Friday, April 24, 2009

Kind & Gezin: The Final Days

22 April 2009

One of my last visits to K&G. The next and last one will be in January 2010! Good! Because they just poke me with needles everytime I go there.

As always, there are other babies in line. Some smaller some bigger, some noisy, some silent. But from all the babies in the K&G center, I was the only one playing with the toys. I even wanted to put a crying baby girl into the doll-buggy I was playing with. I took the doll off and pointed to Mama that she has to put the REAL baby in my buggy. She just laughed at me but I WAS SERIOUS!

Then it was my turn to be measured…here are the end results:

Height: 79 cm
Weight: 11 kilo and 50 grams
Teeth: 20

A good height and a good weight for my age. And then to the doctor! Papa arrived just in time for my injections. As always, Papa was so proud to answer all the doctor’s questions. While I innocently played with the blocks…mama whisphered to my ear…”Niels, later you will get 2 injections, but don’t worry, it wont hurt and Mama & Papa are just here with you.” I looked up, stood up and said..”BRING IT ON!”

It hurt for a few seconds but afterwards, it was all forgotten! We went home as if nothing happened..still the playful but hungry old me (it was 20.30 when we went out of K&G, time for my sleep!)

Da da!

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