Sunday, April 05, 2009

Bokrijk and Rosmeer

Yes it was a busy weekend. Sunday was Bokrijk day and a visit day to Meter Vicky, Nonkel Danny and Celeste.

First we went to Bokrijk to join the activities for the “Dag van de Abonnee”. We walked around and found a tent giving out free tours for specific subjects in Bokrijk. We chose “WONEN” and looks like we were the only ones subscribed in the tour.

During the tour, we went into one of the original houses from the Kempen and Haspengouw. The house of Mr Jan Claes. While the guide was telling something about why beds were short during those times..I did my own version of it. I started narrating as well and the other people that came in were laughing. I was also laughing at some point but continued my story afterwards. Hehehe it was fun being a tour guide. Both us and the tour guide learned a lot from each other.

Then off we drove to Rosmeer. Too bad we will not go to the Carnaval anymore, Meter Vicky and Nonkel Danny are kinda sick. So, we just stayed home and played at their garden.

Papa put me also on the swing. It didn’t take long cause Celeste wanted to be on it. So I just played ball and tickled with Papa.

You know, Celeste’s mini kitchen is also fun! I cooked and let them taste my food and, as always, it was delicious!

Till the next adventure!


1 comment:

Elfi Nijssen said...

If you decide to come back to Bilzen... come and visit me! It's near the station and not hard to find!