Thursday, February 26, 2009

Da-da Paal! Welcome Las Pinas!

All packed! Tomorrow is judgement day!..judgement day? Yes! The staff at the airport will check if we (Mama and Papa mostly) packed our bagages good and not overweight!

Aaaah!!! Soon in a warm land called Philippines! Cant wait anymore! Although the last 2 days Im not feeling my best...have fever of 38 degrees the last 2 days due to infection in my upper airpipe...not the good timing to be sick I know but I cannot help it. Im still eating great, playing good and sleeping well, Im just 38 degrees warm!

We went to the doctor today and he gave me some medicines to take so I can be me again! (hopefully it's over by saturday, if not I have to take antibiotica on sunday).

Busy day for me too. Aside from the doctor's visit we also went to the barber for a haircut before we go for vacation. Also passed by the dentist...Im currently growing some teeth (whyyyy now?????) and we had the dentist see if maybe growing teeth is one factor for my fever.

In short, aside from me not feeling that great, we are ALL so excited to see Lolo, Lola, Ninang Geli, Tito Danny, Tita Joy and Tito JM. Cant wait anymore for tomorrow!

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for me and we will be flying!!!!!


Nielske "Bambino"

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