Wednesday, September 03, 2008

New perspective

Hello everyone,

Its been a while since I wrote something (from one tooth to the other). But all those days that I wasnt writing I was busy mastering my new you can see below :-)

With no time to spare, mama took my picture while I was enjoying the view outside. She knows that whenever I see the camera...Im like a hungry lion grabbing my gazelle! So time to dress up...CLICK!

You see, standing up is now one of my favorite activities the past month...aside from drumming and singing and laughing and crawling and talking and...OK I will shut up.

I pull myself up whenever there is a chance. Along the couch, by the legs of the table, by Mama's pants (Mama better tighten her belt up!), with my bus, my drums, by the window (as you can see at the picture), by everywhere! I heard Mama shout one time "NIELS! I just cleaned the window!!!" Although I cannot blame her from screaming when she saw me LICKING the glass door! It was a cold glass door, it helps me soothe the pain from my teeth-yielding-gum.

OK guys, gotta go now, you all better sleep its quite late already. I, I still have to jam and practice my drum piece "Broeder Jakob" with Mama.

Night night!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of bipeds. With your newfound talent, various doors of opportunities await your curiosity. Just one piece of advice, learn how to use a shockproof helmet.