Thursday, April 25, 2013

School Photoshoot

23 april 2013

A week ago Nina had her first frontal-right-to-the-face fall at the playground leaving her a big moustache wound between her little nose and cute little lips. 

That same day, there was a letter in Niels’ and Nina’s bag stating that on Tuesday 23rd of April (which is today) the school photo shoot for the year 2012-2013 will take place….

“WAAAAAHHHH!!!! Why now? Why so soon???”

It is Nina’s first school picture and she has a big wound like a Hitler moustache!  I was in PANIC! NOOOOOOH!  It will remind her of that fall forever!  I mean, maybe she might not remember the fall anymore BUT I WILL!

But then I told myself, kids’ wounds heal quicker and by then…I hope, she doesn’t have any marks anymore.

Every single day that passed, I was really paying good attention if it’s getting better. Well the wound is healing, that’s for sure but she still has the wound crust which makes it even more visible…a darker moustache!  A cousin of mine even suggested to apply some concealer in case it’s not gone by then.

Luckily (phew!), it was a lot better this morning.  There was still a little bit crust but it’s do-able, for her First School Picture at least ;-)

So, Go Nina, have that big smile on your face!

And oh yeah, it is also the first time for both of them to be together in a school picture.  And Niels was so proud to have her sister beside him in the picture.

See for yourself:
Of course this is not the official one!

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