Friday, April 26, 2013

Farewell Chokee...

Chokee passed away today at about 4pm. She's 14 years old.
A few months ago we found her unable to stand up. Her feet keep sliding sideways on the pavement. We transferred her to the backyard. Her feet were more stable there and she could walk around just like before. She eats good. But a week ago she started eating less and less. Then a couple of days ago, she stopped eating but she still drinks. Then she couldn't move around anymore. Your Nanay gives her water and Chokee responds but moving her tongue.
This morning she was barely breathing. She had been quiet.
I remember we could sleep well when she's on guard duty. When she's ill, she cures herself by eating grass then vomiting out the contents of her stomach. We noticed that she feels sad and throws us a questioning look whenever we give away her puppies, a true mother. A ferocious and intelligent dog she was the alpha female in the group, a position she never relinquished.
Thank you Chokee.
You'll always be in our hearts.
Keep watching over us.
Lolo and Lola

1 comment:

Tito Danny said...

One of the best dogs we had. Am sure Pipo and Chokee are running together again now.

From Tito Danny