Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Allerlaatste Bezoek bij K&G

Hello All,

As you all know, Nina is already 2,5 years old and is also already going to school.  But before she could finally leave her baby story behind, she still has to go for a check up one last time with Kind en Gezin.

Among all the babies, youngest was 4 weeks old...Nina was the oldest...and not the babiest anymore.  She took her jacket off herself, and then we waited for a few minutes for our turn on the weighing scale...

Well just a quick one...kids like Nina still likes it when, after they step off the weighing scale, gets a comment, "WOW! What a good girl!  You gained weight!" and she showed her big shy smile...

If you say that to me, you will get a big fresh slap on your face hahahaha.

She also grew!  Here are her stats:

Weight: 13.4 kg
Height: 91 cm

Then we went in the doctor's room.  She immediately chose the chair nearest to the doctor cause the toys were there.  The doctor asked her to make a tower from the wooden blocks.  First she did only 2 blocks on top of each other, and then she asked the doctor "Zo? Is dat goed so?" Hahaha and the doctor said "No! Make it hiiiigher! I want a big tower!"  And she stacked all blocks on top of each other...and it stood high and still until of course, Nina pushed it down ;-p

The it was time for us to leave and give space to those who really needed the visit ;-)

I laid her jacket on the floor and asked her to put it on...and of course she did it again with big success infront of all the mamas and papas from the audience.

They asked how old she is and this and that.  Well, Nina and I left with a big smile...my smile saying, oh my little girl is all fine...and Nina's smile saying..."Yupee! Now to school! I miss Juf Lien already!"

So here is my little, ehem, I mean, my big girl:

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