Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Allerlaatste Bezoek bij K&G

Hello All,

As you all know, Nina is already 2,5 years old and is also already going to school.  But before she could finally leave her baby story behind, she still has to go for a check up one last time with Kind en Gezin.

Among all the babies, youngest was 4 weeks old...Nina was the oldest...and not the babiest anymore.  She took her jacket off herself, and then we waited for a few minutes for our turn on the weighing scale...

Well just a quick one...kids like Nina still likes it when, after they step off the weighing scale, gets a comment, "WOW! What a good girl!  You gained weight!" and she showed her big shy smile...

If you say that to me, you will get a big fresh slap on your face hahahaha.

She also grew!  Here are her stats:

Weight: 13.4 kg
Height: 91 cm

Then we went in the doctor's room.  She immediately chose the chair nearest to the doctor cause the toys were there.  The doctor asked her to make a tower from the wooden blocks.  First she did only 2 blocks on top of each other, and then she asked the doctor "Zo? Is dat goed so?" Hahaha and the doctor said "No! Make it hiiiigher! I want a big tower!"  And she stacked all blocks on top of each other...and it stood high and still until of course, Nina pushed it down ;-p

The it was time for us to leave and give space to those who really needed the visit ;-)

I laid her jacket on the floor and asked her to put it on...and of course she did it again with big success infront of all the mamas and papas from the audience.

They asked how old she is and this and that.  Well, Nina and I left with a big smile...my smile saying, oh my little girl is all fine...and Nina's smile saying..."Yupee! Now to school! I miss Juf Lien already!"

So here is my little, ehem, I mean, my big girl:

Friday, April 26, 2013

Farewell Chokee...

Chokee passed away today at about 4pm. She's 14 years old.
A few months ago we found her unable to stand up. Her feet keep sliding sideways on the pavement. We transferred her to the backyard. Her feet were more stable there and she could walk around just like before. She eats good. But a week ago she started eating less and less. Then a couple of days ago, she stopped eating but she still drinks. Then she couldn't move around anymore. Your Nanay gives her water and Chokee responds but moving her tongue.
This morning she was barely breathing. She had been quiet.
I remember we could sleep well when she's on guard duty. When she's ill, she cures herself by eating grass then vomiting out the contents of her stomach. We noticed that she feels sad and throws us a questioning look whenever we give away her puppies, a true mother. A ferocious and intelligent dog she was the alpha female in the group, a position she never relinquished.
Thank you Chokee.
You'll always be in our hearts.
Keep watching over us.
Lolo and Lola

Thursday, April 25, 2013

School Photoshoot

23 april 2013

A week ago Nina had her first frontal-right-to-the-face fall at the playground leaving her a big moustache wound between her little nose and cute little lips. 

That same day, there was a letter in Niels’ and Nina’s bag stating that on Tuesday 23rd of April (which is today) the school photo shoot for the year 2012-2013 will take place….

“WAAAAAHHHH!!!! Why now? Why so soon???”

It is Nina’s first school picture and she has a big wound like a Hitler moustache!  I was in PANIC! NOOOOOOH!  It will remind her of that fall forever!  I mean, maybe she might not remember the fall anymore BUT I WILL!

But then I told myself, kids’ wounds heal quicker and by then…I hope, she doesn’t have any marks anymore.

Every single day that passed, I was really paying good attention if it’s getting better. Well the wound is healing, that’s for sure but she still has the wound crust which makes it even more visible…a darker moustache!  A cousin of mine even suggested to apply some concealer in case it’s not gone by then.

Luckily (phew!), it was a lot better this morning.  There was still a little bit crust but it’s do-able, for her First School Picture at least ;-)

So, Go Nina, have that big smile on your face!

And oh yeah, it is also the first time for both of them to be together in a school picture.  And Niels was so proud to have her sister beside him in the picture.

See for yourself:
Of course this is not the official one!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Nina with the Big Boys and Girls in Petteflet

16 April 2013

Wake up time is 7am. Niels and Nina drank their milk and then had breakfast. It’s usually Kellogs cornflakes Honey Pops or Honey Loops for Nina. Choco Crunch or bread for Niels.

With a little push to finish on time, we brushed out teeth, cleaned up and dressed up….and don’t forget, sprayed perfume ;-)

Then off we go to Petteflet.

I was silently hoping that Nina wont cry by the time I leave them at Petteflet so I won’t be late for my train to work…and to my BIG surprise,  Niels and Nina even forgot to give me hug and kiss goodbye!  They went walking straight to the TV corner…hand in hand.   Meaning, I even had to call them back to BEG for my hugs and kisses.

When I picked them up in the afternoon, the ladies from Petteflet were all telling how cute they were walking with their hands together on the way to and going back from school.  One of the ladies commented to Niels on the way that he has to walk a little bit faster.  And Niels answered strongly, “Mijn zusje kan wel niet snel stappen hé!”  And he was right! So, they just let them be.

When I saw Nina, she has a wound between her nose and her lip and dried blood in her nose.  Looks like Nina had her first ever fall at the playground!  But she didn’t mind it, she just continued playing as if nothing happened.

We left (I mean I left) with a happy heart…the 2 didn’t even want to leave yet!

It was a very busy day full of adventures for my Niels and Nina…but it was a GOOD BUSY DAY ;-)

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Premier: Nina in school!

Here we are now, exactly a week after Nina’s first day in school but the excitement I felt that first day hasn’t subsided yet. Every day is still “Nina’s First-Day-in-School” for me at least.

15 April 2013

As already long planned and has been a yearly tradition that Nico and I bring the kids to their first day in School, this time its only me cause Nico had a duty-call ;-) And I witnessed my kids’ first day in school after a 5 week vacation…and for Nina its HER First time to go to School.

Big brother Niels was so proud that his baby sister is now going to his school as well.  The excitement was so high for them, and not forgetting…FOR ME TOO!

When we got to school, I took their picture together.  And as always, Nina copied exactly how Niels posed…from tongue to foot position!

Then we proceeded to Nina’s class.  We placed her bag where it should be, she took her jacket out and hang it on her piggy icon where she should hang it every single day.


A few seconds after, her smile got smaller and smaller. She probably realized that Mama and Niels will not be staying with her in that room the whole day.  She started staring at me while her eyes talk to me and said…”Mama don’t leave me here alone…”   I didn’t look long at her any longer because I might cry (haha) and just quickly said “See you later” But then she opened her cute little mouth and words came out saying, “Mama, jij ook hier blijven!  Mama you stay here too!”  The teacher heard it, picked her up, asked her to give Mama 1 last kiss, and Niels and I went away…otherwise I will be tempted to bring Nina back home (hahaha).

Outside, I also said “See you later”’ to Niels, gave him a kiss and said, “Take care of your little sister!”  And he strongly answered “YES!”

Good I had some work to do at home otherwise waiting for 3pm will be the longest 6 hours ever!

At 3:15pm I left and rushed back to school to pick my sweethearts up.  It got there too early but its ok, it’s the excitement-to-see-them-again’s fault ;-) 

First Niels’ class was done and we went together to pick Nina up from her class.  Oh and then I saw my little princess, readily waiting for me, with her jacket on and her bag on her back…hair still nicely pushed back after those hours of playing…I called her, “Ninatje!”  She looked at me with a big smile and said “Hey Mama….waar is Niels? Where is Niels?”  Then Niels showed up and that gave an even bigger smile on her face!  She was more excited to see Niels than me! Hahahaha

I talked a bit with the teacher to ask how she was on her first day.  The teacher said that she was a very good girl, she ate her sandwich and fruit good and she played good. Well, what did I expect? Before I could even say BYE to her teacher, my 2 ragdolls were already on the way outside to the playground.

Niels was shouting that I have to follow because he wants to show me how he helped Nina climb on the slide earlier during playtime.  And so I watched them.

It melted my heart seeing and knowing that my 2 sweethearts are playing and looking for each other especially when Nico nor I are around.

Niels was so proud to have his sister with him in school, and Nina looooved the attention ;-)

Then we went home, Nina showed her smiley stamp, rested a bit and 15 mins later Nina was ZZZZzzzzzzzzz.