Friday, April 04, 2008

Phase 2 and 3

Hello everyone!

On Monday starts a new phase in my life and in my mama and papa's life...starting monday I will be going to Nicole's daycare (This is Phase 3). Im excited to see all my new friends! Mama is a little sad though. She told me she has to get used to the idea still that she won't be seeing me every second and every minute of the day anymore as to the whole 3 months we were together. She will get use to it! As soon as I show her what new things I learned at the daycare she will be fine :-)

And also, I'm old enough to be left in the daycare! I will be a good boy (Mama keeps on telling me the whole week already to be a good boy at the daycare...she should know by now that I AM a good boy!)

I have visited the day care already twice...cause Mama can't get her nerves calmed until she knows I will be ok with Nicole of the daycare. So when we were there the last time, I gave Nicole my biggest smile so Mama will have her peace of mind...and my plan worked! She is ok least that's what she told me!

But before Phase 3 is Phase 2. On sunday, I will be baptized! I will officially have Meter Vicky, Peter Danny, Uncle Lukasz and Ninang Geli as my godparents! Celeste and Nonkel Danny wont be able to join us though because Celeste has chickenpocks! Anyway, I will see her next time!

So wish us all the luck for all these changes in our lives! Also, I'm turning 3 months on 6 April! So, Happy 3rd Monthsary to me!!!

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