Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Niels' first day at the day care...

"Hi Niels! Mama is home!". He looked at me for a second trying to distinguish who this familiar face is? Oh its my mama! Then he smiled at me. I picked him up, hugged him and kissed him a lot! And suddenly my tears were flowing out of my eyes. I was so happy to see my baby again. I missed him so much, and that smile just melts my heart.

Such a pleasant smile I had been longing to see the whole day already. Anxious to go home from work I could not think of anything else but Niels. Hope he drinks his milk with Nicole, hope he wont cry, hope he sleeps good, hope hope hope and actually there was no use with all these worries! When he smiled at me, its like he is saying, "Mama, I had a fun day!"

Now my worries are, I hope he would still enjoy being home on thursdays and fridays or would he rather be at the day care? I hope he does not get bored with me :-( I hope he would still like to come home with me when I pick him up in the evening :-(

In the morning after his 6am milk, I dressed him up so he is ready to go to the daycare as soon as he wakes up by 9.30am. While I dressed him up he smiled at me saying, "Mama lets play!!!" I told him its sleeping time still and playing time is when he wakes up in the morning. It looks like he understood me cause after a few seconds he went back to sleep. It just hurts to know that he will not be waking up at home but at the day care and not playing with me like what we did during the 3 months but with Nicole and the other children. Its a nice learning experience for him and I should be happy. I SHOULD BE HAPPY! But its kinda difficult to accept that my baby is growing so fast...soon he wont be a baby anymore.

Niels at the daycare, foto taken by Nicole

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blij om te horen dat Niels zo flink geweest is bij de onthaalmoeder. Hopelijk kan ik binnenkort hetzelfde zeggen over Lieke. Vanaf 6 mei moet zij ook naar de onthaalmoeder. Ik krijg er nu al de tranen van in mijn ogen als ik er aan denk...
Je hebt gelijk: ze worden zo snel groot!!!