Sunday, December 05, 2010

Dag Sinterklaasje, dag, dag...

"Dag Sinterklaasje, dag, dag,
dag, dag, Zwarte Piet"

Niels slept last night with the hope that "De Goede Sint" wont forget to pass by our house and would leave something for him on the plate. The very next day he was awake early singing "Daag Sinterklasje daag daag" That was 5 o'clock in the morning, singing full blast at the corridor upstair. So I, half awake, went to him and tried to convince him to go back to sleep cause its still dark outside. He was a little bit hesitant but gave in and went back to bed.

At 7am, again awake and singing :-) So Nico and I went to his bedroom and told him we can go downstairs...but first conditioning him of course that there is a possibility that De Sint en de Zwarte Pieten may have left something for him or not.  But as confirmed by Papa that he heard some noise on the roof last night then we guess he really did pass by and left some toys for him.

Look at that! He cant believe what he saw...and immediately took a candy from the plate and ate it, took one chocolate Sinterklaas and bit on its head while amazed with all the toys he got. 

And of course there are also some for Nina, she was also a good girl :-)

"Daar wordt aan de deur geklopt,
zacht geklopt, hard geklopt.
Daar wordt aan de deur geklopt.
Wie zou dat zijn?"

And as he play he keeps on singing "Daar wordt aan de deur geklopt..." Now time to go to Balen to check out if Sinterklaas also passed by there.

"O, kom maar eens kijken
wat ik in mijn schoentje vind
Alles gekregen van die goede Sint"

And oh yeah "Wat een Goede Sint!"

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Winterland 2010

Fotos van onze uitstapje naar Winterland in Hasselt:

Nina was er ook bij, maar ze geniet van de warmte in haar buggy en heeft de hele tijd goed geslapen.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

De Sint en zijn Pieten

Gisteren was de Sint en zijn Pieten bij ons klasje waren veel Pieten!  De Snoep Piet, de Kleur Piet en de...Niels Piet!  en die Niels Piet heeft zoveel snoep bij als de Snoep Piet!

- Niels

2de K&G, 2 spuitjes en 2 cm

Hallo iedereen,

Nina werk rood toen de dokter de 2 spuitjes in haar mollige beentjes stak...maar daarna was het allemaal snel vergeten...een tutje en mama's warme armen waren voldoende troost :-)

Op dit 2de bezoek aan Kind en Gezin hebben we het volgende kunnen noteren:

Gewicht: 5,240 kg (+580 gram tov 3 weken geleden)
Lengte: 56 cm (+2 cm tov 3 weken geleden)

Onze Nina is dus flink gegroeid !! EN steeds die schattige lach !!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

First winter snow!

Yup!  Last night the first winter snow fell.  And who was overjoyed?  Of course Niels!

Niels enjoying the snow

As soon as we got home, he immediately took his snow shovel and started shoveling the snow out of the Papa could park when he gets home.  And also took care of the snow at the terrace.

But the temperature felt a lot colder than it is due to the wind and Niels started to eat the snow (haha) I decided to bring him inside :-)  After a while we looked outside again and he saw that the path he cleared with snow is full again...with SNOW! Hahaha

Niels said, "Maar...ik heb het juist weggedaan...die blijf niet weg? Het is weer vol! Hoe kan dat nu?!"

So, not really understanding how snowfall works..he was very disappointed that his terrace is covered again by snow.

Anyways, what's most important is that he had fun shoveling and believing that he did a good job! Well, he actually did ;-)

And here below the video of Niels clearing the terrace:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


It has now Philippines countdown to christmas has started already in september while here in Belgium children start to countdown to the coming of Saint Nicholas or Sinterklaas before they start counting down for Christmas.

And of course Niels is one of them...he made a letter to Sinterklaas pasting all the pictures of the toys he want to receive from Him..if Niels would be a good boy that is ;-)

And so you guys know, De Sint is checking out all houses and writing in his BIG BOOK names of the naughty kids...and they WONT get any gift at all!  So Niels, better be good!

Tonight he put this letter in his shoes together with a piece of sugar for "Slecht-Weer-Vandaag" which is the horse of Sinterklaas...hoping that on Dec 6 he will get them all!...we will see ;-)

By the way, we would like to welcome to this world ZOEY!  She was born yesterday daughter to Donna and Toby and baby sister to Dylan!  She weighed 3kg and measured 48cm.  Very healthy baby girl!

Welcome ZOEY!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

7 weeks, 7 bottles and a room!

Hello hello,

Finally we are starting to come along normal-nights-lane.  With Nina 7 weeks old now, she is gradually finding the pattern in her day and night life.  She is now awake most of the time during the day: curiously looking around, listening to Niels playing, making sounds like wanting to start a conversation and smiling when you talk to her.  At night, she already sleeps 5 hours straight (like 12 midnight to 5 am)...already quite a big step comparing to where we were in the beginning.

Clearly, our little girl is becoming a big girl already :-)

She drinks now 7 bottles of 135ml milk a day and drinking it very good.  We cannot let her wait a second too long to give her milk...she is VERY demanding!  She wants her milk  Right-Here Right-Now! Otherwise she will let you hear her sorry-feel-cry :-( and you would really feel really really bad!

And tonight we will move her to her own bedroom, we are confident that she is ready for it.

Such a good girl :-)


Proud Mama Neri

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Nina 5 weeks and A OK!

Hello you all,

Today was Nina's first visit to the consultation clinic of Kind & Gezin.  And today was girls day it looks like, there were all baby girls in the hall except for one.  A boy named Robin and was born a day before Nina. 

And as we already suspected, looks like our little girl can see already cause she was following with her eyes the nurse, the doctor and she was curiously looking around trying to check out her environment.

She quitely let them take her weight (not normal for girls hehe) and she liked laying down on the measuring table :-)

As to her stats, she is now 4,660 kg and 54 cm.

Till next blog!


Monday, November 08, 2010

Babyborrel on 7 November

Yesterday was the long awaited babyborrel of my baby sister Nina.  It was soooo much fun!  Lots of children, full of toys and lots of snack!

And for a glimpse of that celebration, I want to show this presentation:

Some more pictures coming up!


Saturday, November 06, 2010

Welcome cousin Kayla!

Yup yup yup!  Niels and Nina now have a cousin in the Philippines! 

Kayla is born a healthy baby girl
today at 3pm Philippine time.

CONGRATULATIONS to the new parents Geli and JM.

And to the 3rd time grandparents Lolo Ben and Lola Sue!

From your proud family in Paal!
Neri, Nico, Niels and Nina

Friday, November 05, 2010

Nina 1 month old

Our little sweet girl is now a month old

Her stats from 2 weeks ago are 52 cm and 4,170 kg
And you know what?  It looks like she can see us already!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Nina 3 weeks old

Nina, smiling during her nap :-) 

Surely having a sweet dream about her milk :-)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ik word een 5 ster chef kok!

Hallo iedereen!

Ik, Niels Janssens, zal aan jullie bewezen...
dat ook als ik nog zo klein bent...

weet ik al goed...
dat ik zal zeker...

een 5-ster-chef-kok zal worden

met een dikke duim op mijn hand...kijk maar uit!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My sister's story

It all started when Tante Nicole announced that Liesbeth (Papa's cousin) and Wesley are pregnant. 

SMS of Tante Nicole

Then on Christmas Day at Nonkel Romain's place, Tante Nicole had another announcement...Jimmy and Astrid were also expecting their first baby.  You know Tante Nicole, secrets are not safe if she is excited.  Will all those news from Christmas 2009, another couple has been biting their lips to postpone a little bit their own announcement until their first echo has passed...yeah you guessed right!  Hannelore and Joerie were also pregnant!!! 

Lieke's Announcement

Since then eveybody speculated that Mama and Papa will also announce something.  There was nothing....but not too long after that, Mama found out that she is also pregnant with my sister Nina!  It wasnt that big of a surprise anymore to anyone, its more of a funny news than anything else hehe.  Just think of it, this year alone (2010) is the population of the Elsen and Janssens family 4 babies richer.

Mama's Announcement on 21 February 2010
But you see, the list didn't stop there.  Donna and Toby announced they they were pregnant.  Ninang Geli and Tito JM followed.  Peter Pan and Tinkerbel didnt let the year pass as well.  Even Uncle Lukasz joined the choo-choo-train of fathers-to-be.

On 1 March 2010 was Nina's first echo.  Already a healthy little "hondje" I said.  As to what I saw, she looked like a doggy in the picture!  But the bigger she grew the more I realize hat she is a by in Mama's tummy.

My sister's first foto

Last March 2010 during Liesbeth's 30th birthday party was the first photo of the Super 4 taken.

From Left to Right: Liesbeth, Astird, Hannelore, Neri
27 May 2010.  After 2 short was so far.  Laurens was born!  3 kg 900 gr and 54 cm.  My new blond cousin has shown his cute little self to the world.

On 10 July 2010 was the second foto taken of the remaining 3 preggies during the BBQ here at our place.

From Left to Right: Astrid, Hannelore and Neri

25 July 2010.  In good timing, also a sunday (same as my birthday), Stafke was born.  My other cousin didn't let everyone wait too long.  He knocked at his Mama's belly and such a wonderful baby he is of 3kg 250 gr and 50 cm.

On 08 August during the Brunch at Tante Nicole was another chance to take picture of Mama and Hannelore.

Hannelore and Neri

"Counting down has never been this exciting" Mama said because after Staf is Hannelore's turn and then Mama's turn!

In the meantime, as Mama's tummy continue to grow, lots of changes happened in my world. First, I got a new bedroom with a bigger bed!  Second, I started my potty training and its going just fine!  Third, I started school!!!  So as I always tell Mama, I'm already a big boy now and will be a great big brother to my little sister.

So to all of you...wait till my sister can play and she will also rock your world!

03 September 2010.  Third day of school, we got the news that Nina, Lieke's sister was born on 02 September.  But it wasn't a normal situation cause everyone were worried about her case.  Of course everyone is so happy that she is here with us now but there is something wrong and she has to stay long in the hospital.  But of course no cousin of mine will take the downside!  She is a strong girl and she is proving it to everyone EVERY SINGLE DAY!  As soon as she is home we will visit her and give her our biggest hug!!!!

And finally, on 05 October, Opa's long-awaited-little-sister was born.  The sweetest little baby I have ever seen.  And accidentally her name is also Nina, same as Lieke's sister's name :-) But you know, I will share with you a little secret...shhhhh...Mama and Papa knows already a long time that Nina will be born on the 5th of October?  I KNOW!  They know and they didn't tell me!

On monday evening, 04 Oct, Mama brought me to Balen to sleep there cause Oma and Opa has to bring me to school the next day.  Not normal but I followed blindly.  Looks like that THAT very next day they will already go to the hospital very early in the morning.

Mama was planned to be in the operation room at 9am...

Mama getting ready to leave to the hospital
Waiting for the nurses to get her
 But when they got to the hospital, it looks like there was a little bit delay.  The operation will be done at 11 instead of 9am...and of course...mama is hungry!  she may not eat anything since she woke up! 

And of course Papa was also waiting :-)

Mama waiting for the anesthesia

Finally, at 10am they prepared Mama and brought her to the operating room to be hooked into epidoral.

And at little sister Nina...let herself be heard!  SHE WAS BORN!

Nina's first picture

And the first picture with Mama and Papa
Her first close up :-)

After that, Nina was weighed, measured, brought to the room with Papa.  Mama still has to recover before she can see Nina again. 

Everything went OK and in the afternoon I visited them together with Oma and Opa...Oh I missed my mama!  And I was able to see Nina too!  She is the sweetest "zusje" I have ever seen.

Here are some more fotos of her:

While she sleeps

Our First Family picture with my zusje :-)

Nina Janssens

With lots of kisses,


Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Mijn zusje is geboren!!!! My baby sister is born!!!


Today, 05 October at 11:09am, my baby sister NINA is born!

She was 3 kg and 410 grams and 48,5 cm long

My cute little sister and I will tell more about her coming in the next blog!

Wait for it!

Lots of excitement awaiting at home!


Sunday, October 03, 2010

False Alarm...Whew!

Good morning everyone!

Almost loosing consciousness, I had a 5-min-long-contraction last night that I thought would be the finalé of this pregnancy. 

After I put Niels to sleep my contraction started, went downstairs, got hold of the home phone and mobile in case I need to call 2 people at the same time (haha), waiting for the big contraction to pass before I call Nico which was just on the way home from Brussels...I was already planning of calling Nico's parents after I call him...I rested on the sofa, called Nico after a few minutes...JUST to know at least where he was in case it happened again...the list of things to bring were running through my mind...whew!  Good it was just a false alarm!

The contractions were over and were back 30 mins after but very slightly..and then never felt it again since last night.

So baby, hold on still for a few more days...


Friday, October 01, 2010

My Little Picaso

Niels' Boomgaard

As a proud Mama, I post here in our blog Niels' artwork :-)

Last 28 September was the ever first Parent's Meeting we have for our big boy Niels' school.  I wasn't there unfortunately, only Nico was able to attend cause somebody has to stay here at home while Niels sleep of course...and I surely missed a big deal of fun Nico said.  Next time its MY TURN!

Teacher Inge told the parents what they do in school and who they play with during playtime outside.  Inge said that usually when its time to go outside and play she sees these 5 boys ganging up and playing together at the playground: Niels, Vic (a classmate of Niels and lives here closeby), Arthur (our neighbor), Xander (Arthur's bestfriend and in the same class as Arthur) and Seppe (classmate of Niels and son of Arthur and Xander's previous nanny).  So you see the relationship how they know each other?  Funny huh?

But he doesnt really tell so much about it when he gets home.  Also about his artwork he didnt say much.  But when he woke up the next day and I showed him what he made.  He glew up in proudness and he said "Oh yeah, Ik heb dat gedaan in school!"

So I asked him what the drawing is about and this is what he said:

Click on picture above to magnify

But when Nico asked the same question in the evening, his description changed so I guess his artwork depends on the eyes of the beholder :-)

My little Picaso :-)

The proud Mama,


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mama's last day from work...

Yup its already so far now.  Today is Mama's last day from work.

Normally Oma and Opa pick me up from school on thursdays and I stay there until friday.

But this week is special, these are my last days as an only child because soon...I will be a big brother!!!!!  And I feel that Mama wants to spend the last moments alone with me thats why I understand if today, even if she is so busy with her last day at work, she insisted (even if she was a little bit late, I didnt care) to pick me up from Petteflet.  Tomorrow will be my day with Mama.  After school she will pick me up and we will have loooots of fun! 

And if we are both tired from playing and fooling around, you know what we do? We sleep together in the couch with Studio 100 as background music! :-)

The last days I give my mama my full attention, lots of hugs and big kisses cause they say if your Mama is pregnant you have to spoil her good! 

To my Papa, please don't be jealous, when the baby is there we will also have our moments together...more than you expect!  So prepare!

Sweet Love,


PS And I promised Mama that I will visit her in the hospital as much as I can and gave her my tightest hug and a pat on the back :-)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Niels version of "Oh When The Saints Go Marching In"

Hi everyone,

Just want to share with you Niels' version of the song "Oh When the Saints Go Marching In":

Just in case you do not understand a single word from his song, here it goes:

Oh when the saints...(sounds like: Op en simps)
Oh when the saints...(sounds like: Op en simps)
Oh when the saints go marching in...(sounds like: Op en simps go markring in)
Oh how I love to be in this number...(op en simps..huhu...NUMBER!)
Oh when the saints go marching in...(sounds like: Op en simps go markring in)
toodoorooo (intrumental)..(sounds like: tururu)

Enjoy the movies!


Sunday, September 05, 2010

Welcome Nina!!!

To the new baby of the Elsen family...

We welcome you Nina!

2 september 2010 at 16u06
50.50cm and 3,730 kilo 

We hope to play with you soon. 

Be strong and be brave, you are in good hands!

We wish you'd be better soon.  We are so eager to meet you!

We are all so proud of you, especially your parents and Lieke!

Lots of hugs and kisses,

Niels, Neri, Nico and xxx

Saturday, September 04, 2010

2nd and 3rd day in School!

Hello hello!

Whew!  It was a tiring week this week.  The start of school and the first time to go to daycare after school.

My first day you probably read already from the previous blog, that was just half a day so everything went OK.  The second day, Papa brought me to school cause Mama went back to work already.  At 9am the school starts and ends at 3.30pm.  Papa was there on time of course to pick me up!  And you know what? I got another "Thumbs Up" stamp from my teacher, although I had a little accident with my kaka in my pants...but for the rest everything went smoothly!  The teacher was so proud telling Papa all the things I did in school.

But that day I didnt see Mama at all cause when she got home at 6pm...I was already sleeping in the couch!  Mama said she tried to wake me up to say hello but I just continued snoring!  So she brought me upstairs, took my pants off and changed me into my pampers and pajama and I didnt even open my eyes a single second.  I was SOOOO tired.  Same thing I told Papa when we got home "Ik ben moe Papa".


So at night mama told me she tried to give me milk around 9pm cause I didnt eat dinner yet...and she said I just drank a little but, turned around and continued my sleep hahaha.  I was awake early the next day though prepared for the new day to school.

But the next day was different.  Papa didnt bring me to school but to Petteflet the daycare.  We were there around 7.45am, I hung my jacket and bag on the hook and ate my breakfast there on the table.  Afterwards, all the small kids went in line and we went to school all together hand in hand.  And as soon as we reached school there I saw Juf Inge, my teacher and I know its gonna be play time again. 

After school the guide from the day care picked up the children again and brought us back to the daycare...and there I played again outside with the other kids!  Some big girls want to play with me, they thought I was a doll hahahaha. Girls! Girls! Girls!  I thought that was only a problem for big just 2 yrs and 8 months and it starts already!?!

Then papa picked me up from there by 6pm.  And then at home food was quickly ready and we ate.  My new sleeping time is now 7.30pm  Cause as soon as I lay my back on the bed...I'm done! 

By the way, I got another stamp from my teacher.  mama told me that if I continue to be a good boy then my teacher will keep giving me the stamp...and I proudly show it to everyone!  Even to the baker at the bakery!

Anyways, next week is another week...its gonna be a heavy week but normally thursday afternoon Oma and Opa will pick me up and I sleep there with them and stay there the whole day friday.  Mama will pick me up from there.  I hope everything goes well this week!  Wish me luck!!!

Good night everyone!


Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Niels' First Day in School

Mama and Papa have been waiting for this day, that I, Niels Janssens, go for the first time to school!  And today is the day when I can prove I am already a big boy who can enjoy the day without crying for Mama and Papa, can eat and drink good on my own, can go to the toilet when necessary independently, and make myself busy with AAAAALLLLL the toys available, whatever it is!

Last night I had a very good sleep, so prepped up with all the energy I would be needing today to go to school.  When I woke up Mama asked me, "Where are we going today?" and my immediate answer..."Naar schoooooool!!!"  So enthusiastic and excited to go there and play again with the autos, blokjes, pots and pans there with Juf Inge.

We ate breakfast, dressed up and went to school with the bike! Its not far from home and the weather was nice so we decided to go with our bikes.

School starts at 9am, it was 8.50am when we got there.  This year Mamas and Papas can still bring us to our classroom.  So I walked down the hall to our classroom with Mama and Papa and we hung my jacket and placed my bag where it should be.  Suddenly..."Waaaaaah!!!" There were 2 children in my class that where crying so hard I could not even hear what Mama and Papa where saying to me.  But I didnt care much, they probably hurt themselves on the way in :-)  But I, I wanted to go already inside and start playing...but oh, I forgot to say Bye to mama and papa...and they needed it badly :-) So I hugged them and kissed them to give them comfort and so they wont feel sad :-)

With Papa at the hallway

A big hug for Papa, hope he didnt cry ;-)

And then starts playtime!!!!

At 12.15pm all the children were waiting at the gym for the teachers to open the door so we can go to our mama's and papa's that probably were so worried about what happened to us...they didnt know WE HAD FUN!!!

Then I saw Mama and Papa by the window and I shouted so loud to Juf Inge "Kijk! Mama and Papa zijn daar!!!"  And when she opened the door I rushed to Mama and Papa and proudly showed them what I got!

A balloon and most of all, a stamp for being a very good boy!

Saw Mama and Papa by the window

Hello!!! School is finished for today!

Look at my "Thumbs Up" stamp!

Mama and Papa had many questions but I answered them all and then after a while Juf Inge came to us to let them know that I was such a good boy.  I played with all the different toys in the room, I ate good, I went to the toilet and washed my hands properly, and most importantly not a single tear from my eyes fell!

The names of my classmates I do not know yet, but it will come.  So far I only know Juf Inge, the rest will come the longer I stay there.  Today is just half day and Mama and Papa treated me FRIES for lunch! 

Im already looking forward to tomorrow!  Another day, another play day!

To my onthaalmoeder Nic, I miss you and the kids but here is also fun!!!!!  I will definitely visit you again and more often I guess as soon as my baby sis comes staying with you in January.  But so far, Im having fun!

Good night guys,


PS Sleeping time is now earlier than normal!