Friday, October 01, 2010

My Little Picaso

Niels' Boomgaard

As a proud Mama, I post here in our blog Niels' artwork :-)

Last 28 September was the ever first Parent's Meeting we have for our big boy Niels' school.  I wasn't there unfortunately, only Nico was able to attend cause somebody has to stay here at home while Niels sleep of course...and I surely missed a big deal of fun Nico said.  Next time its MY TURN!

Teacher Inge told the parents what they do in school and who they play with during playtime outside.  Inge said that usually when its time to go outside and play she sees these 5 boys ganging up and playing together at the playground: Niels, Vic (a classmate of Niels and lives here closeby), Arthur (our neighbor), Xander (Arthur's bestfriend and in the same class as Arthur) and Seppe (classmate of Niels and son of Arthur and Xander's previous nanny).  So you see the relationship how they know each other?  Funny huh?

But he doesnt really tell so much about it when he gets home.  Also about his artwork he didnt say much.  But when he woke up the next day and I showed him what he made.  He glew up in proudness and he said "Oh yeah, Ik heb dat gedaan in school!"

So I asked him what the drawing is about and this is what he said:

Click on picture above to magnify

But when Nico asked the same question in the evening, his description changed so I guess his artwork depends on the eyes of the beholder :-)

My little Picaso :-)

The proud Mama,


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