Wednesday, November 24, 2010


It has now Philippines countdown to christmas has started already in september while here in Belgium children start to countdown to the coming of Saint Nicholas or Sinterklaas before they start counting down for Christmas.

And of course Niels is one of them...he made a letter to Sinterklaas pasting all the pictures of the toys he want to receive from Him..if Niels would be a good boy that is ;-)

And so you guys know, De Sint is checking out all houses and writing in his BIG BOOK names of the naughty kids...and they WONT get any gift at all!  So Niels, better be good!

Tonight he put this letter in his shoes together with a piece of sugar for "Slecht-Weer-Vandaag" which is the horse of Sinterklaas...hoping that on Dec 6 he will get them all!...we will see ;-)

By the way, we would like to welcome to this world ZOEY!  She was born yesterday daughter to Donna and Toby and baby sister to Dylan!  She weighed 3kg and measured 48cm.  Very healthy baby girl!

Welcome ZOEY!

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