Tuesday, June 09, 2009

A week full of feasts!

09 June 2009 - Visit to Lyano and my new Bumba hat

Today we visited baby Lyano, the newborn son of Papa's ex colleague from Makro SPL. Such a cute baby with a very big smile! I wanted to play with him but he looks so fragile in his seat...so just tried to make him laugh my way :-) And gave him a big wet kiss!

07 June 2009 - Voting and Diana's Babyborrel

Voting? What can I say about that? I just went with Mama and Papa inside the booth and we were out before I know it!

Diana's babyborrel is more fun! We drove there after voting. And hola! What did we see??? Looots of children! Tons of toys! In there was I think a child's paradise!

06 June 2009 - Liesbeth and Wesley's wedding

The long awaited wedding of Liesbeth and Wesley finally arrived! Everybody was dressed so nicely...and of course me too! Celeste was one of the flower girls and Storm was the ring bearer. I would have loved to have joined them but Im still too small. I might just lose the ring...somehow (ulk!)

Anyway, Mama, Papa and I went to the mass at the church and that is something! The church is overwhelming, a man with a white dress was speaking in front and Wesley and Liesbeth were facing him. They are having some kind of a meeting I think. Then the rest, including me, were sitting behind L&W, also facing the man in the white dress. Mama said his name is Priest. What a weird name. Niels sounds better.

I was so behaved sitting on Opa's lap when suddenly Storm and Celeste started playing with my buggy...and that I cant let happen! So I went there and took over!

When everything was finished, people clapping, I clapped also of course, Priest (the guy wearing the white dress) went our way and made a sign on our forehead. Celeste didnt want it. I just let him do what he has to do...cause I know that MOST of the older people know what they are doing :-)

But then after the mass Mama and Papa have to bring me home. Donna and Toby were waiting for me already at the door. They are my babysitters for tonight :-) And I had looots of fun with them! Thanks again Donna and Toby!!!

02 June 2009 - Pinkstermaandag

Before they leave for vacation, it has been their tradition that we all come together at their place to see each other and eat together. So, last Monday we visited Meter Vicky, Nonkel Danny and Celeste before they drive to Italy this week for a 2-week vacation! Of course Oma and Opa were there.

Celeste and I played a lot! I showed them how good I am in playing my harmonica and looks like Celeste is too!

We also witnessed how the neighbor stacked their hay into cubes! That was very interesting. Opa and Papa lifted me up so I can see how it went with the tractor.

Then, Celeste and I started drawing on her board, playing with her kitchen, with the ball, and a lot more!

Whew! That was a long list! Till the next event guys!

Niels the even organizer

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