Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Message to Lolo and Lola

Dear Lolo and Lola,

I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful experience I had there in my short-two-week-stay in Las Pinas. Together with Mama and Papa, I have enjoyed the luxury of having such wonderful Lolo and Lola like you!

A lolo
…who put up a private pool just for me!
…who tiredlessly drove me around in his Vitara so I can see more of Philippines
…who with all his energy played endlessly with me to whatever I felt like doing
…who patiently run up and down the stairs and escalators with me
…who drove his motorcycle back and forth the pharmacy to get me my bottles of dr. edwards
…who countlessly changed coins for tokens so I can play basketball in SM
...who unselfishly let me play with all the things in your house

A lola
…who cooked such delicious food for us all
…who patiently changed my pamper and put me to bed when papa and mama were out
…who shyly but I know eagerly played with me
…who makes a coversation with Temy which fascinates me all the time
…who washed our clothes and ironed them so generously

I cannot enumerate them all for there are no words to descibe all the things you did for us, especially for me, during our stay.

Thank you for the patience you have shown during the days I was a little bit cranky.
I know I have made you both tired but I give you 1 year to rest and when I get back…prepare! The storm will surely come back!

Lolo and Lola, Im so lucky to have grandparents like you back there in the warm Philippines! You have made our warm stay cool and the short stay worth it!

I love you so much and I hope to see you again in person next year!

Your apo,

PS I miss you already!

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