Wednesday, March 11, 2009

11 March: Tagaytay Highlands 3 - The Animal Farm

Before ending up our trip to this nature-beautiful Tagaytay Highlands, we visited first its Animal Farm.

And these are some of what we saw:

The kissing parrot

"Look Mama fishes!

Mama caught a monkey!

Stinky goats!

Even the cows fascinated me!

And the stairs of course

The Botanical Garden

A quick stop to one of the model houses in area "The Verandas".

The living room

The front of the house

When we got back home, what else will refresh us from this heat but a plunge to the one and only 24/7 - 100% accessible private pool of Lolo!

Me, helping in filling up the pool with water

Tomorrow is a rest (shopping) till the next blog!

Tired Niels

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