Monday, March 30, 2009

Niels at almost 15 months

I was starting to worry about how we will teach Niels to speak. Since we are in a bilingual situation at home, I have convinced myself and has accepted the fact that Niels might be behind with respect to speaking compared to other children growing up using just 1 language at home.

So Nico and I started teaching Niels specific things that a kid of his age should know. Ball, cow, dog, cat, Bumba :-), auto (car)...

Last saturday night when I brought him upstairs to dress him up and put him to sleep, he has this Bumba book in his hands. He was looking through the pages while singing (with matching high and low tones!)...and at the end of his song he said..."Buba!" I was laughing on my own silently of course! I guess he was singing the Bumba song! Hahaha

Yesterday, sunday morning, there was Formula 1 on television, we were eating breakfast when suddenly he said..."Brrrrrrrrrmmmmm" everytime he hears the cars. When he played with Pipo, his favorite 4-wheeler-dog-ride, he was making the same sound the whole time "Brrrrrrrrrmmmmm".

In the afternoon at Oma and Opa's place we were playing with a wooden puzzle with animal farms. Papa then asked, "Hoe doet de koe?" or "What does the cow say?"..and he said "mooooooo" and picked up the cow from the puzzle mat. Oh! We were all so happy and gave him his hard earned "Good boy!" and claps.

Thus, teaching me the lesson of the week...dont underestimate what Niels can do! Give him time and he will suprise you!

He is also growing his 4 additional teeth, and once again...simultaneously! He has now 16 teeth in total..and some more are coming! But the last few teeth he grew has not really bothered him at all. Looks like he is getting used to it.

Speaking of weight and height...the last time Opa weighed him was when we got back from vacation and the scale showed 11 kilo and 400 grams (but with his shoes on). His height (with his last K&G visit in January was 76cm)...we dont know exactly now but he can get anything from the table easier than when we left! And most of his t-shirts, bodykes and pants are getting short! Time to bring out the next size of clothes I guess.

My little boy is getting big!

Happy-Mama Neri

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lolo's Message to Oma en Opa

----- Original Message ----
From: Ben Palacio
To: neri palacio
Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 2:08:03 PM


Bambino has been with us for 2 weeks. The first 2 days he was uncomfortable due to fever, lack of sleep during the flight and the hot, humid climate of March. But when monday arrived his spirits came to the fore and everything turned upside down.

He inspected the rooms of the house and we are glad he seemed to like them. At the mall he went up and down the escalators, ran around and greeted every kid he could find, chased the storyland train, sang at cd bars, danced at the beat of store music. He was like a tornado, always on the move and tireless. This was the only time that I perspired inside a cold mall. And everywhere we go he was fascinated by cars, trucks, motorcycles and tricycles. He talked to us in his own style which we instantly understood.

This boy is a little wonder. Nico and Neri will describe to you with pictures and videos the amazing things he demonstrated to us.

But what gladden us is the natural intelligence he possesses. What he sees once, he remembers.

When he sees you, he'll tell you all about his Philippine adventure.

He likes mangoes too.

Ben and Susan

(Traslation: Balae is the word used to refer to parents of the daughter- or son-in-law)

Summer Storm Devastates Metro Manila

Hello everyone,
Mama wants to share with you an email from Lolo about you-know-who!
Dont get confused, the storm Lolo is refering to is ME their Bambino!

----- Original Message ----
From: Ben Palacio
To: neri palacio
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 10:14:02 AM

A severe storm hit Metro Manila leaving residents speechless at its unique intensity never before experienced throughout the city's history.

At the height of its fury, the populace had nowhere to turn to but just stay and watch the events as they unfold. Dazed, people trooped to malls but the trick proved perspiring as the storm cruised its way down the halls, ricocheting up and down escalators, in and out of stalls and finally ducking high and low at the grocery. But miracles happen as not even one item was dislodged from its display shelf.

To escape, others sailed on the Sloop John B but the ploy backfired and the storm toyed its way around even Under the Boardwalk.

After 2 weeks of surprises the storm abated and everybody heaved a sigh of nostalgia shouting in chorus " BRING HIM BACK... BRING HIM BACK "

We love this storm.

Written by the Palacio family.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Message to Lolo and Lola

Dear Lolo and Lola,

I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful experience I had there in my short-two-week-stay in Las Pinas. Together with Mama and Papa, I have enjoyed the luxury of having such wonderful Lolo and Lola like you!

A lolo
…who put up a private pool just for me!
…who tiredlessly drove me around in his Vitara so I can see more of Philippines
…who with all his energy played endlessly with me to whatever I felt like doing
…who patiently run up and down the stairs and escalators with me
…who drove his motorcycle back and forth the pharmacy to get me my bottles of dr. edwards
…who countlessly changed coins for tokens so I can play basketball in SM
...who unselfishly let me play with all the things in your house

A lola
…who cooked such delicious food for us all
…who patiently changed my pamper and put me to bed when papa and mama were out
…who shyly but I know eagerly played with me
…who makes a coversation with Temy which fascinates me all the time
…who washed our clothes and ironed them so generously

I cannot enumerate them all for there are no words to descibe all the things you did for us, especially for me, during our stay.

Thank you for the patience you have shown during the days I was a little bit cranky.
I know I have made you both tired but I give you 1 year to rest and when I get back…prepare! The storm will surely come back!

Lolo and Lola, Im so lucky to have grandparents like you back there in the warm Philippines! You have made our warm stay cool and the short stay worth it!

I love you so much and I hope to see you again in person next year!

Your apo,

PS I miss you already!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

14 March: The day before our departure

Today is the last day of our vacation. Luckily I was able to spend a WHOLE day with my Lolo, Lola, Ninang and Tito JM.

Mama and Papa went to Beer Paradise in Makati with Tito Danny. And this I took advantage of! I had loads of fun at home and had maximized the last moments I had with my grandparents and Ninang before we go back to Belgium. Cause it will be a while again before I can see them again in person.

In short, I let them spoil me! Hahaha.

After my afternoon nap, I woke up and called Mama to check if they are having a good time in Makati...cause I AM!

"Hallo Mama, is everything ok?
Dont worry about me! Im having a great time!"

Afterwards, it was time for my fruitpap...and it was oooh sooo delicious! Fresh squeezed pinoy oranges, Lakatan banana, an apple and some fita cookies!

Eating my fruitpap with Lolo watching

Drinking my Dr. Edwards

After such a delicious merienda, Lolo and I went outside for some fresh air...and what did we see? A big truck pumping water to the tank next door

"Vroooom vrooom" says the truck

Enough watching and lets do some walking! Lolo took my hand and we started walking down the street.

"Wait up Lolo! My steps are not as big as yours yet!"

Visited the neighbor Frank

It getting dark and we have to go back inside. I told Lolo I still want to have a tour around the subdivision with his motorbike...but helaas, I didnt have my driver's license with me.

On Lolo's motorbike

Oh well, we still have lots of things we can do inside the house.

Lola showed me how to use the organ

And I showed them how to destroy it...the Niels way!

We had lots of hard laughs and chuckles too!

Although compared to outside's fresh air, inside was a little bit too warm.

Milk with Ninang

The day is almost over and its time for me to sleep again...but before I go to sleep, I want to still spend a few minutes with Lolo (trying to avoid sleeping time!)

Trying out Lolo's led lamp

Rolling with Lolo

Day is short when you are having fun they say and its true. Oh that was such a great day. I hope to have some more of these days again here in the Philippines someday...someday!

To my Lolo, Lola, Ninang Geli, Tito JM, Tito Dan and Tita Joy I will miss you all!
I may not remember most of the things I did with you this year
But I will definitely remember you all
When Im a little bit older to understand it,
I will read Mama's blogs...every single one of it
so I will be reminded of the fun we had.

I hope to see you again soon...
Hopefully next year and we will have fun all over again!


Friday, March 13, 2009

13 March: Visit to Carlos and Jan's abode

Hi everyone,

Yesterday was a rest day...I mean shopping day. Mama and Papa (surprisingly) has gone shopping for summer clothes...and they bought a lot! Its good that euro exchange rate is quite ok yesterday :-)

Ready as always for my next adventure

Anyway, today we drove to the busy roads of Bicutan to meet up with Mama's thesis mates from the university. They are Carlos, Jay (I met him already last March 1) and Marvin.

Carl (too bad I didnt have picture with him - he was too busy in the kitchen) is married to Jan. They moved in this house not long ago. They also have a puppy named snowflake and he was such an active dog! I was running after him though!

Jan and Me

Marvin is married to Kristine (the woman on the left). They have now 3 kids: Keesha (7 yrs. old), Kive (2 yrs. old) and a 4 month old daughter.

Drinking my milk

It was only Keesha and Kive that were there, the baby is at home sleeping :-)

Jay, the only single left in the group :-) Although we hope to hear some improvements one of these days, in this year, in this century, in this lifetime!

Jay and Me

When Keesha and Kive arrived with their parents and yaya I was soooo excited to play with him...too bad he was busy with his gameboy and didnt want to play with me.

Oh well, I guess I will be playing alone tonight :-) Better luck next time!

PS: Thank you Carl and Jan for the delicious food!!! and Marvin, Kristine and Jay for coming!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

11 March: Tagaytay Highlands 3 - The Animal Farm

Before ending up our trip to this nature-beautiful Tagaytay Highlands, we visited first its Animal Farm.

And these are some of what we saw:

The kissing parrot

"Look Mama fishes!

Mama caught a monkey!

Stinky goats!

Even the cows fascinated me!

And the stairs of course

The Botanical Garden

A quick stop to one of the model houses in area "The Verandas".

The living room

The front of the house

When we got back home, what else will refresh us from this heat but a plunge to the one and only 24/7 - 100% accessible private pool of Lolo!

Me, helping in filling up the pool with water

Tomorrow is a rest (shopping) till the next blog!

Tired Niels

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

10 March: Tagaytay Highlands 2 - Cards & Beer Night

After trying so many different card games, only 1 game (as always) was succesful, the ever popular 1-2-3 PASS! Having the loser drink a glass of STELLA ARTOIS everytime resulted to the following faces:

Papa: Sober or just pretending?

Ninang Geli: Drunk or simply crazy?

Joy: Reading or bluffing?

We also tried Bluff, Crazy 8, Monkey-monkey, Killer-Judge-Police (good attempt Tito JM!), and another game where you have to put your card on your forehead and whoever has the lowest will be laughed at and has to do the punishment.

At that very same night, there was this rumor that spread around the fifth floor (our room was no. 510). Have you heard of the story of the dead construction worker? How about the receptionist? Whoever has heard of it probably knows the whole story..and whoever believes in the story will be really scared!..cause it happened somewhere on the 5th floor. BWAAHAHAHA!!!

Can you distinguish who the construction worker is?

Or who the receptionist is?

Dont ask me! I dont know myself, I was fast asleep when all these happened! Good night!

10 March: Tagaytay Highlands 2 - Calaruega

A family portrait
(Tito Danny as camera man)

A Chapel on top of the hill, the pathway to the top lushed with tropical flowers and plants. A beautiful place, inviting and romantic. Thats why lots of weddings are held here since it was included in a Filipino movie some years ago.

Going through the path where we saw lots of cooi

We were so hungry that we had to buy some Fita biscuits and Coca Cola cans at the sari-sari store on top of the hill

There was a tomato field up there
and they were selling tomatoes P20 per kilo

On the way up the hill while munching Fita

Being carried by Lolo up the hill

The Janssens Family

The view from up there