Monday, November 03, 2008

1-2-3 Yupeeee!

Hello everyone,

The last week has been very very busy. For Papa with his work, for Mama from taking care of me and for me from trying all these new things I have discovered I can do :-)

I can sing! But I dont understand why Mama asks me "What's wrong?" every time I sing. And when she looks at me she comments..."Ah you are just singing" (with a smile in her face). Do I sound awful when I sing? Is it in the family??? Could anybody in the family tell me please???

I can dance! Music on and Im SHAKING!

Aside from my singing and dancing talents...ehem...yesterday I also did my Very First 3 Steps alone! Woooooh! That was exciting! It felt like I was walking and balancing on a hanging bridge! The only difference is, im not on a real hanging bridge, there is no empty space below me where I can fall, and that Mama was on one end and Papa on the other. What an adrenaline rush..also for Mama and Papa I guess he he he.

It was fun and I want to do it all over again!

Stepping Niels


Anonymous said...

Amai Niels, je eerste stapjes gezet! Dat is een heel belangrijke mijlpaal in je leven!
Lieke is momenteel volop in haar kruip en optrekfase!
Spijtig dat we je zaterdag niet gezien hebben. Maar we wilden je niet ziek maken. Lieke is ondertussen weer helemaal genezen.
Groetjes en hopelijk tot binnenkort?
Hannelore, Joerie, Lieke en Zoef

Anonymous said...

Your first 3 steps bring back memories of 39 years ago when astronaut Neil Armstrong performed the first ever moonwalk. The whole world gasped in awe over that historic moment when the first man on the moon bounced on every step he made. You made your first steps, go on young man for there are many moons to explore and conquer.

Anonymous said...

hey niels uw eerste 3 stapjes proficiat jong ge moet mij da ook is leren probeer da al 20 jaar

Groetjes Ronald ;)