Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Aaauuuw and Wooohoo!

Hello everyone,

The Aaauuuww story
Last week Niels did not let us sleep a lot (waking up in the middle of the night crying and didnt want to go back to sleep in his bed).

For 3 days we have to sleep with him in his room, then he sleeps fine. But otherwise...na-ah.

Afterwards we came to a conclusion that it probably is because he could not breath properly from his cough and cold...but it wasn't that. Our next guess was teeth! And we got a jackpot on that one! Niels is growing his 7th tooth. Additional tooth means, more chewing, lots of drool, a bite that hurts more, but closer to a complete set of teeth!

The Woohoo story
Last weekend Niels started getting a kick (figure of speech) on walking with Papa or Mama holding him with only one hand. He knows that he is doing something new and he shows that he likes doing it.

And last night he surprised us by staying standing up alone...NO HANDS! And he can from standing position sit properly on the floor.

He was soooo proud of what he did and of course we were so proud of him too. Papa sent sms immediately to Oma, Meter Vicky and Peter Pan to tell them about the good news!

So, for us it means more alert eyes and faster reaction!

The proud Mama and Papa,

Neri and Nico

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AHA! The seventh tooth will really ache and sometimes with slight fever too. Even the seventh voyage of Sinbad was more perilous than before. You'll need a wider bib also. So you can already stand erect, next practice walking alone for very short distances. Signal your Papa and Mama to be more patient with you.