Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Viva Italia!

Made in Italy

When Mama and Papa were in Assisi, Italy last year with Lolo and Lola they bought me this shirt. Mama said when she held this shirt in her hands she said..."What a small shirt this is for a human...can't imagine someone can fit in this shirt"...and now...I even have to wait 4 months before I can put this on. Its still quite big but with this heat I rather have it loose and airy than tight and sweaty so this shirt fits perfectly with this summer day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, we don't want jou to became an Italian loverboy, blijf maar gewoon een stoere Belgische jongen. Ik moet wel zeggen de kleurtjes staan je goed en supporteren kan je precies ook al goed. Op vakantie gaan naar Italie mag, maar neen ... geen Italiaantje worden.
Kusjes, tante Mieke en nonkel Romain.