Sunday, February 03, 2008

A long weekend with Papa

Friday, Saturday and Sunday...a long weekend with Papa. Such a wonderful weekend it was. I played with Papa for 3 days and 3 nights. Even if Papa's back hurt he loves it when I sit on his lap or sleep on his breast. I love it too!

And for the first time...Papa gave me my bottle of milk.

First I heard Mama and Papa talking in the kitchen. Afterwards I found out that Mama was teaching Papa how to make my milk :-)

Papa was very interested and very excited to give me milk for the first time...and we both did good :-) I was able to finish my milk in NO TIME (cause I was soooo hungry) and Papa also did good...he remembered all the things Mama taught him :-)

And since then Papa could not get enough of it...he wanted to be the one giving me my next bottle again...Mama loved it though...cause she can rest a little bit ;-)

I love this weekend...I hope to have more of weekends like this :-)

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