Monday, February 11, 2008

Home Photoshoot

With Oma and Opa last sunday
Oma and Opa were here last Sunday with us...they watched me throw my milk up...not a good thing to remember...ulk

Sitting with Opa Vic
Nice huh? A picture with Opa

Believe it or not
This pyjama I'm wearing is 30 years old...Papa used to wear this when he was still a baby...30 years ago...and it fits just fine

Burping with Oma
Yeah, Oma was helping me burp...since I'm still a tiny baby...I still need help in a simple thing like this. And Oma helps me without asking anything in return :-)

With Tante Mireille and Karolien
I got a visit from these 2 beautiful women :-) And I get to sit in their lap! Ha!

Trying on Vincent's gift
Mama tried how I look like sitting on this rocker-eater-chair from Vincent...sits good! Hope I can use it soon!

Coming out of the sheets

Excited Niels

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