Monday, December 22, 2008

For this yuletide season...

Dear family and friends,

Its been 11 months and our little boy still continues to surprise us with his every development.

All the new things he learn every single day is a miracle on its own. A wonder.

Now that he is getting to be a year old he is starting to form his own characteristics, his own style and own manners. He has developed into a good entertainer and an adventurer.

As a boy with-no-fear, he has conquered his doubts and learned how to walk. Every step feels like a victory to him, he has won over his fear to fall and the hesitation to begin.

Like any other child, he has a mind like a sponge and a compehension of a machine. He understands a lot more than we think he can. Unbelievable. Such a small kid with a memory of how many gigabytes! He can mimic us and talk to us, only we can’t understand what his ya-ya-ya and da-da-da means but I assure you, we are trying our best.

With the just-passed-by Sinterklaas happening, he has shown us that it doesn’t matter what gift he receives, he is happy just to be around us. Doesn’t matter what food is on the table, he is happy just sitting by us.

Innocense is out of the question though. He knows exactly what may or may not. But with his curiousity taking control and persistance his weapon, he…as small as he is…still do what MAY NOT.

And since this coming Christmas and New year is his first celebration of this yuletide season with us and the whole family, we are doubting if we will be putting up the christmas tree with all those tempting colorfull balls and twinkling lights. Hmmm…

But how ever “deugeniet” he may be, he is such a sweet boy who knows how to cuddle with Mama, Papa, Oma or Opa.

To all the other mommies and daddies out there, I hope you all feel the same way with your little angels. You should be proud like we are. VERY PROUD that we can experience and witness the growth of a little human. A human who, in the future, will be one of us…as adults, and as parents themselves.

Only one regret, our little wonder boy is growing fast…too fast…but for us, he will always be our little baby.

Merry Christmas everyone and we wish you all a wonderful new year ahead!

Warm hugs and lots of kisses,



Anonymous said...

It's so much fun to see you're all doing well! Your son really is unique, I can see it on every picture! The mix-up of Nico with Neri is so obvious; this sunny boy has all the chances in the world to make his life beuatiful and meaningful. I often wondered how you were doing and I am so glad that we found our tracks! Magic!

Anonymous said...

Meri Krismas to the Janssens family, Nico, Neri and the Bambino.
How time flies. The kid has accomplished his part in this world, beyond expectations giving joy to us all. He is smart, communicating effortlessly with simple twitches on his nose, eyelashes, eyes and that enigmatic nguso. Now he's starting to walk and talk.