Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fifth day...Trial day

I call it a trial day because if we make it to the top today I think we can join the Olympics! Hahaha

Good day everyone,

Today we will have a biiiig climb to Fluchtwang. Our goal (besides testing our leg stregth) To see some eidelweiss.

Its a tough one, steep and rough most of the times. Opa and Papa has to lift my buggy when we were almost at the top of the mountain because the way is very small, rocky and full of cow pies!

Once we got to the top, its breathetaking! Magnificent nature! We wrote on the book to prove that we were there. At an early stage in my baby life, I was able to be on top of a mountain 2000 meters high. Im proud, especially of my Papa, Opa, Oma and Mama who made it a point that I get there.

Without their help, I will just be down the mountain, in my buggy, waiting till someone pushes me...

Here is our picture on top of the mountain...

And on the way back, we had a rest in a small place midway...had some beer, chocolate cake and the owner gave me a free Mars :-)

Till tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that the famous edelweiss flower sang by the Von trapp family? If I recall correctly this flower grows only on the mountains. I don't know if we saw it when we were there.