Saturday, June 21, 2008

A visit to Vincent and Ermina

Hello you all,

Mama and I went to Hasselt last saturday to visit Tita Rachella, Ermina and Vincent. Ermina was not home at first (she attended her classmate's birthday party in Pretland).

By 4.30pm, Tita Rachella picked Ermina up...I was left with Mama and Vincent (sleeping in his room). By 5pm, Vincent woke up, looking for his my mama went to tell him that his mama will be home soon and that he can come to the living room and sit down...and then I woke up! So Mama has 2 babies to take care of! Mama took me and brought me closer by Vincent because Vincent just stood up where he was...STEADILY. He did not move a single bit...only his eyeballs were moving ha ha ha.

When Tita Rachella and Ermina got home, we played a lot! We played with the ball and the drum!

Vincent with the drums, Ermina with the ball and Me in my buggy

But the ball is my favorite! Tita Rachella was playing ball with me and I cant just stop laughing so hard! I enjoyed it a lot!

Me catching the ball from Tita Rachella

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