Thursday, June 26, 2008

Im the BOSS now!

In my babychair
(in Belgium they call it kakastoel!)

Nowadays I can sit straight on my own for a few minutes...yeah, only a few minutes not longer. Otherwise, after this few minutes I begin to lean on one side and stay there! I call it MY RELAXING MOMENT, Mama and Papa call it...NOT-READY-YET.

When I sit in my kakastoel they have to put cushions all over me to avoid hurting myself during my so called relaxing-moment :-) I might hit my head on the chair, I might hurt my shoulder, etc. etc. Parents! Parent! Parents! They are always so worried about everything! But anyway, Im just a toddler, when I grow older I will show them what I'm made of!


Translation: Kaka = babytalk for dump (excuse me for my words); stoel = chair

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boss Niels!!! Appearancewise you look fit and efficient. Keep it up. Later on you will really be a boss just like your papa.