Thursday, March 17, 2011

Look what the sunshine brings! Kijk wat de zonneschijn met zich mee bracht!

Since the first ray of sun has shown on this cold land called Belgium... different emotions came above and gave me the appetite to take pictures again.

And this is just the start...lets see what it does to my family...

Nina: wanted to play Kiekeboe! zin om kiekeboe te spelen

Niels got the tower building bug! zin om toren te bouwen

Oh ja, the bug stays for more than 1 day
...en nog meer torens!

Nina just wants to look cute zin om gewoon schattig te zijn

Niels picked up his bike and played outside zin om buiten te spelen

Papa's flowers started to bloom bloemen bloeien mooi

Niels had de chance to be a pirate! zin om piraat te zijn

and Nina the chance to have a chat with the clown
...en een babbel te slaan met de clown

and to learn how to sit
..en Nina had natuurlijk de zin om te leren hoe ze rechtop moet zitten

I told you so!


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