Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jasje uit doe je zo...

Yesterday for the first time we saw another surprising act from Niels. We just came back from a visit to the neighbour then. When we got inside the house, I unzipped his jacket and told him to take it off…just trying to see what he will do..and he did it! He took his jacket out the way an adult does. Hahahaha Nico and I were so surprised with what we saw. Our little boy is learning a lot!

We also bought him his own couch “zeteltje” where he can sit and relax whenever we watch Bumba, or just simply whenever he wants. And to no avail, he owned it and sat on it like he’s had it for years already.

He likes lounging in it while watching Bumba, sitting straight while eating his fruit, while talking on the phone… or just simply…enjoying it.

Here are some pictures for you:

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