Tuesday, May 08, 2012

40 years and counting...

Yup, Oma and Opa celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary!

Oma and Opa, married since 27 April 1972

Last 1st of May, exactly on Labor Day, we have set that date to celebrate this 40th year for Oma & Opa together with Meter Vicky, Nonkel Danny, Celeste.

It was such a nice sunny day. Everyone arrived, lively from the sunshine, on time at Papa's old friend Xavier's Sportagon.

The kids went directly inside looking for what they could play with.  There was a room to play field hockey, there was a "springkasteel" in the other room and outside, a mini gold, zandbak and a small playground for younger kids.

And what did we play with first?  Of course the Hockey in the first room!  It was fun, everyone full of energy...Papa playing, Niels and Celeste of course, Opa joined also, I did join, Nina wants to join but she was still too small to play hockey.

Then we played on the springkasteel, Papa as lion trying to catch Celeste and Niels.

After eating such a delicious lunch, we went playing mini golf...was a close match between Nico (76pts), Niels (80pts) and Celeste (79pts).  But all 3 did great!

See how professional they played:

Papa teaching Niels how to hold the club

Niels trying to have the ball in 2 shots!

Celeste in 1 shot!
Nina was not in the photos cause she was not feeling good that day, she wanted to play but was too weak to even come out of her buggy.

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