Thursday, December 22, 2011

See you soon Las Pinas!

We all woke up very early not to be late at the airport.  Our taxi arrived on time and Niels and Nina as good kids as they are, woke up on time and were as excited as Mama and Papa to go to the airport.

We have enough reasons to be excited cause you know what?

1. This will be our first time to meet dear cousin Makayla!
2.  This is our first time to spend christmas and New Year with the Palacios.  And for  Mama and Papa, it has been 10 years ago since they last celebrated the Holiday season with the Palacios.
3. This is Niels' second trip and Nina's first.
4.  Tito Dan and Tita Joy's wedding!!!
5.  Niels' 4th birthday party will also be held in the Philippines!
6.  And simply because we will be seeing Lolo Ben, Lola Sue, Ninang Geli, Ninong Danny and the rest of the gang again!  We missed them sooo much!

...and this is why this is such a special trip to the Philippines.  

Here is a glimpse of our flight:

With Niels, Papa and Nina

and now with Niels, Mama and Nina
Nina cleaning the floor of Brussels Airport

and Niels found Santa Clause in Amsterdam Airport

It was a tiring trip but everything went well.  Nina was hyperactive in the plane but at the same time adorable and she had made lots of new kiddie friends in the plane.  Niels amused himself with the games in the computer and he has his own seat now so he was able to sleep a lot better than his first time.

And we bet they are also as excited as we are at the destination.


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