Sunday, May 09, 2010

Peter Pan's Birthday Bash! 3 and 3 is 33!

Hello everyone!

MAY is such a fruitful month I should say!  I know 7 people who celebrate their bday in MAY!

06 May is for Tita Chell (mama's friend)
08 May is for Peter Pan (my Peter)
09 May is for Ermina (my friend)
19 May is for Therese (my cousin)
21 May is for Lola (my LOLA!)
25 May is for Tito Dan (my uncle)
26 May is for Tante Nicole (my tante)

actually there is 1 more...Liesbeth's baby will be born soon, hopefully still in MAY! So, all in all...8!

But this blog is about the birthday bash of my peter..PETER PAN!

Last May 8 we drove to Zonhoven to celebrate my Peter Pan's 33rd birthday.  Of course there were lots of visitors and yes...4 other children!  Wout (3.5 yrs), Merle (3.5yrs), Wenke (1.5yr) and Fee (8 mos)

We ate, played and had a lot of fun!

See for yourself...

As you can see: Me, Peter Pan and the chicken swing

Wout swinging

Attempted photoshoot with the birthday boy

Wout and me laughing at the hand puppetier Els

Peter Pan and Fee

Opening of my...I mean Peter Pan's gift

Playing with Merle

Eating my ice cream...

And finally...burning those calories down!

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