Saturday, March 14, 2009

14 March: The day before our departure

Today is the last day of our vacation. Luckily I was able to spend a WHOLE day with my Lolo, Lola, Ninang and Tito JM.

Mama and Papa went to Beer Paradise in Makati with Tito Danny. And this I took advantage of! I had loads of fun at home and had maximized the last moments I had with my grandparents and Ninang before we go back to Belgium. Cause it will be a while again before I can see them again in person.

In short, I let them spoil me! Hahaha.

After my afternoon nap, I woke up and called Mama to check if they are having a good time in Makati...cause I AM!

"Hallo Mama, is everything ok?
Dont worry about me! Im having a great time!"

Afterwards, it was time for my fruitpap...and it was oooh sooo delicious! Fresh squeezed pinoy oranges, Lakatan banana, an apple and some fita cookies!

Eating my fruitpap with Lolo watching

Drinking my Dr. Edwards

After such a delicious merienda, Lolo and I went outside for some fresh air...and what did we see? A big truck pumping water to the tank next door

"Vroooom vrooom" says the truck

Enough watching and lets do some walking! Lolo took my hand and we started walking down the street.

"Wait up Lolo! My steps are not as big as yours yet!"

Visited the neighbor Frank

It getting dark and we have to go back inside. I told Lolo I still want to have a tour around the subdivision with his motorbike...but helaas, I didnt have my driver's license with me.

On Lolo's motorbike

Oh well, we still have lots of things we can do inside the house.

Lola showed me how to use the organ

And I showed them how to destroy it...the Niels way!

We had lots of hard laughs and chuckles too!

Although compared to outside's fresh air, inside was a little bit too warm.

Milk with Ninang

The day is almost over and its time for me to sleep again...but before I go to sleep, I want to still spend a few minutes with Lolo (trying to avoid sleeping time!)

Trying out Lolo's led lamp

Rolling with Lolo

Day is short when you are having fun they say and its true. Oh that was such a great day. I hope to have some more of these days again here in the Philippines someday...someday!

To my Lolo, Lola, Ninang Geli, Tito JM, Tito Dan and Tita Joy I will miss you all!
I may not remember most of the things I did with you this year
But I will definitely remember you all
When Im a little bit older to understand it,
I will read Mama's blogs...every single one of it
so I will be reminded of the fun we had.

I hope to see you again soon...
Hopefully next year and we will have fun all over again!


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