Thursday, February 07, 2008

Im 1 month old! Hip hip hip Hoera!!!

Niels on 06 February, 1 month old

Hoera!!! Im one month old now. Time flies so fast, I still feel like I was just born....Mama always tells me that Im growing too fast for her...soon I will be going to the daycare...and then after a few years to nursery school...then start going out with see my mama's worries? I just turned 1 month and...she is already FREAKING OUT! Well, I will never really understand how she feels unless I have my own child...but that's still a loooooong time from now! I can't even walk yet!

It was early morning when I woke up for my first bottle of the day, at 4 o'clock in the morning, when Mama started greeting me Happy 1 month old...I (half awake) was trying to finish my bottle of milk as soon as possible so I can get back to bed...while my parents were singing ENTHUSIASTICALLY the happy birthday song!

Anyway, we celebrated my one month of existence today with Oma and Opa. We...I mean them...ate Brugeltaart and a cup of coffee...i had bottled milk :-)

Mama and Papa took some pictures, of course, to comemmorate this day that I turned 1 month. See for yourself.

Its such a nice feeling to be loved so much like this....I know they know I love them too.

Mama wrote on her journal today that I started smiling more often today than the other days. I also can follow better with my eyes now...hopefully can see clearer soon so I can see my parents better and all the other people around me. With better eyes I will also be able to finally see in the webcam my Lolo, Lola, Tito Danny and Ninang Geli.

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