Saturday, January 19, 2013


LoboCat is our superhero disguised as a cat.

He sees to it that children are always safe especially when they are playing, studying, travelling or sleeping. 

He can fly by jettisoning balloons hidden in his backpack that automatically wrap around his arms. If he fights in mid-air he repositions the balloons on his back to free his arms. Needless to say, he can also put them wherever he wants to perform various acrobatic maneuvers:

- on his feet to dive or descend very fast,
- on his left arm to fight with his right hand,
- on his right arm to wave to his fans with his left hand after  performing some heroic deeds,
- on his hips to hover around like a helicopter when  performing some delicate rescue mission,
- on his head when ascending rapidly on a steep and limited  space but never on his neck for obvious reasons.

Being a cat, he can see in total darkness, leap above tall obstacles, jump down from great heights landing perfectly safe on his padded feet, hear the slightest sound from miles away and detect his enemy's location by flicking his tongue.

His strength is amazing but he has his Achilles' heels, WATER. Water drains him of his strength and superpowers just like Superman's  kryptonite. He becomes an ordinary cat. He must find ways to dry himself up to become once more LOBOCAT.

To avoid this dilemma, he never takes a bath but just wipes himself clean with a wet hand towel. He sustains his powers by regularly drinking milk, occasionally eating dried mangoes, exercising diligently and sleeping at least 8 hours a day.

He purrs when sated.


Created and drawn by Niels Janssens
Story Written by Lolo Ben
Blog by Mama

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