Monday, September 05, 2011

Nina: 11 months and crawls very her own special way

She is growing sooo fast!

Nina and Nijntje...the unstoppable duo.  Nina thinks she can conquer the world together with Nijntje. They can go anywhere, do anything, and mess up EVERYTHING! Nothing is safe anymore with our little princess!

A simple note, Nijntje helped Niels a lot also supporting him good when he was learning how to walk in 2008!

By the way, she can bite good now with her 4 teeth :-)

Here are some photo treats for you...

Nina and Nijntje: Busy walking

Busy picking up leaves...and putting it in her mouth

Busy playing with water

Busy cuddling with Niels

Busy playing with Niels

Busy with the tractor

And busy with my kitchenette

And here is a video treats too!

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