Monday, April 18, 2011

Nina bij K&G

Hello everyone,

Yup last week was time again for Nina to go back for check-up.  We went (the 4 of us!) to K&G after picking up Niels and Nina from the daycare.  While Niels eats his sandwich, Nina looks curiously around seeing all those other babies lying around on the mat with only the pampers on!  But not long it was her turn to have the same.

Our good healthy baby girl now weighs 7,643 kg and is 65cm long.  Not that heavy and long yet compared to you and me but as to her agemates, she is doing good!

After much waiting at the lobby, it was our time to go inside the doctor's room.  With Papa there beside her and Niels holding her hands, Nina didnt even cry a little bit when the doctor gave her the injection.

Talking about good girl!

Playing in her park

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