Sunday, May 09, 2010

Deugeniet! Verklappen is SOMS niet goed!

Today is Mama's Day...
Especially to the Mama's I know!

And of course Papa and I (but mostly Papa) want to surprise Mama with a biiiig nice flower for Mother's Day.  Yesterday when Mama was shopping, Papa and I (as soon as I woke up) went to the flower shop to buy a nice plant with loooots of flowers for Mama!  We got home, put the plant behind the garden house (tuinhuis) and hid it so Mama could not see it...cause she has to wait for Mother's Day of course.

Papa told me to say nothing to Mama about any plant or flower. 

When we got into the house, who was home as well? Mama!  We got home the same time...and you know what I told her as soon as I saw her? 

"Mama! Bloemen halen! Daar!!!" (Mama! 'we' got flowers! There!) while pointing at the garden house...

Ooops!!!! So Mama was laughing...and Papa...tja, he is not happy of course!  Ayayayay!  I ruined the surprise for tomorrow!  But I think Mama will not check it out and she will wait for today :-)  My Mama is "braaf" (good girl) you know. Mama and Papa, sorry to ruin the surprise but still I wish you mama a very happy mother's day!  And when I woke up of course I said "Leve Mama!!!"

Flowers for Mama! Mmmm, smells good!
(Bloemen voor Mama! Mmmm, ze ruiken lekker!)

Showing my sandbox once more!
(Mijn zandbak nog een keer laten zien)

And to show something that is NOT ALLOWED!
(En ietske tonen dat NIET mag!)



1 comment:

shaishaimaru said...

Happy mother's day to your mama niels! Tell her that she's the greatest mama in the whole wide world. =)