Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday to meeeh!

Yup! Im 2!  On my birthday Mama and Papa bought a 3-Kings-Pie since Im born during the 3 kings celebration.  The whole afternoon children were ringing our doorbell, singing songs and begging for candies or money. Everytime the bell rings I say "Alweer???"  and then I run to the door to listen to their song and give them coins or let them dig into my candy bag.

The pie was delicious but we have to be careful that I dont swallow the bean that was hidden in the pie...anyways, even if it wasnt me who got the bean...I was still the KING OF THE DAY!

I blew my 2 candles off too fast, papa wasnt able to take a picture of it!

A family photo for you to see :-)

A train received from my very sweet daycare mom Nic

And a new winter jacket from Oma and Opa.

And on sunday a BIG party for me!!!!

Till Sunday then!

Niels the birthday boy

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