Monday, September 20, 2004


Friends come and go, but there are those who stay of course. We do not see them as often as before, but still we take time to visit or call each other once in a while...just not to completely lose that friends-touch.

After months of not seeing our friends, we all came into a consensus of when and where we would all meet again.

Our place in Hasselt (the city of fashion and good life) on the 18th of September (Saturday), around 7:30pm for a few glasses of cocktail (or beer) and some knick-knacks. And then probably go out to watch the Fireworks by the channel (Albertkanaal) for the opening of the yearly fair (Kermis) or continue the fun outside to the street lights.

And I present to you…the BOMB kids!

Danny and Veerle - Zonhoven (where the sun used to shine)
Lovely couple, so sweet and true. They are the peter and the meter of our 2 little turtles. They have been together since New Year of 1995 or 1996 I think. They lived a few meters from our apartment before, but since last year, we missed them. They bought a house, with a HUGE garden in Zonhoven. And there they will brood their little Danny’s and Little Veerle’s. Just…they decided to take one step forward together…they announced last Saturday that they are going to tie the knot…probably next year or the year after. Oooohhhh…happiness filled the air! Ching-ching-ching! Our glasses sounded like it has never ching before. We were all surprised to hear that…wow! A new sphere in their life, a new tune to dance with, and a family to build. Hartelijk Gefeliceteerd!

Claudio - Maasmechelen (where the new Village can be admired)
Our Italian buddy. Witty and funny curly-haired little Claudio (Mind you! He changed a lot since the last time we saw him…positively). Has also disappeared for quite a while, but now he is back…he is back to hunt you down and sweet talk you about Nuon gas! I bet he is up to something…something I hope and I sure am will make him happy and change the course of his career. He is pretty excited about it. So, go for it Claudio! Vooriut!

Geert - Ham (yup...there is such a place in Belgium!)
The smiling face of this tall young man is seen everywhere, Brussels (where he works), Diest (where he gets in/off the train), Ham (where he lives), Hasselt (where he hangs out every friday or saturday night!)…everywhere where there are girls to find! Intellectual yet funny; sensible yet foolish sometimes…and that makes him human. And its almost his Birthday! PROFICIAT!

You see, our little group of friends is composed of warm-hearted real people. They are true in their hearts and in their minds. Sincere and loving.

We love you guys! We hope to see you again anytime SOON!

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