Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Help Filipijnen...

Shocking 36!

It came as a shock to me a few months ago.  Normally I don't care how old I am, I don't count the years.  I do what my body still can permit, I enjoy doing sports, I eat healthy as much as possible, and of course my kids keep me young...(that's my precious anti-aging secret).

But still I was quite shock to FIND OUT that I am already 36!

My husband and I were watching television, a report regarding a camping close-by.  There was a couple with 2 kids ages 9 and 7.  I told my husband, "Oh thats nice if the kids are little big bigger like those 2 then we are also a little older like their parents, then we can do the same maybe."

Nico asked, "How old do you think those couple are?"
I said (seriously thinking of their age), "I think about 36-37?"
Nico asked, "And how old do you think you are?"
And I swiftly answered..."34!"

Nico laughed!  And asked, "When were you born???"
Then I started panicking and started counting! HOLY #*&# Im already 36!

So since then I cant take it out of my head that in 4 years...I WILL TURN 40!

Oh well, look at the bright side...there will be a BIIIG party coming in 4 years!

Happy Birthday to me!!!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

That Fine Line Between Being a Baby and a Big Girl - Nina is 3!

The whole night after Nina’s birthday party, I was thinking how I will write my blog for her 3rd birthday.  I can brag about her the whole blog but I want something different…something special.

Monday in the train going to and coming from work nothing is coming out of my head.
That evening in the car driving home, silence in my brain.
Yesterday evening in the kitchen while cooking dinner, blank.

Suddenly, while I was almost finished with my cooking, Nina came to me asking if she can use her CD player from Peter Ronald…she has her pacifier in her mouth…making it difficult to understand what she is saying. We usually tell her, “Nina take your tutje out and tell Mama again properly what you want” then she just simply takes it out and spits out her sentence in an understandable way.

Then it came into me!  She is 3, we all tell her she is already a big girl now, but when you look at her with that pacifier in her mouth, she is also the same time a baby!

That’s how the title came into my head: The fine line between being a baby and a big girl.

And the rest followed…so read on:

“You’re a big girl now” we constantly tell Nina.  Suddenly she doesn’t want to eat on her own.
“You’re a big girl now” we say again.  Suddenly she cries every morning if it isn’t Mama who will bring her downstairs.
“But you’re a big girl now!” we emphasize to her. Suddenly she became a baby.

It’s maybe the pressure that we put on her that she has to suddenly be independent now that makes her want to be just a baby again instead of a big girl.  Normally when we really don’t emphasize those words “BIG GIRL” she acts like one.

Pre-3rd Birthday situation:
She eats well on her own, she even rejects being helped!
She smiles every morning when we wake her up.
It isn’t a big deal for her to leave her pacifier and bear at home before going to school.
She even said that her pacifier should be in Spain with Sinterklaas!
She puts her jacket on her own.
She puts her shoes on and takes it out on her own.
All these things she has been doing already since she turned 2!

NOW, looks like she couldn’t do any of this without a little tear, a pout and a strong command, “YOU HAVE TO HELP ME, I CANT DO THAT!”

But I stand to my point that she IS already a BIG GIRL.

Proof Nr 1:
During her birthday party, her friend Elisa from the daycare was also there.  She is about 6 months older than Nina but still pronounces her “R” as “W”.  And here is Nina with a very good diction especially on pronouncing her “R”…or “RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR” (we call it here the rolling R), suddenly talks with a “W” too when she heard Elisa talk like that.

I think that she actually adjusts the way she does things depending on whoever she is dealing with…cause at that same moment I talked to her and she talked to me with a good pronunciation.

Just like how adults talk to kids against talking to another adult.

Proof Nr 2:
She can already make complicated (sentences for her age of course) that makes sense.

This early morning Nina started calling me (6:15am).   I didn’t move an inch…then she started stamping on the wall with her feet…I heard Nico get up and went to her…they were having a mini discussion.

Afterwards when we were at the table eating breakfast, Nico talked to Nina:
Nico: “Nina, I don’t want to hear you stamping your feet against the wall again so early in the morning.  You woke everybody up”

Nina: Laughed.

Nico:  “It isn’t funny, I’m serious, you shouldn’t do that again!”

Nina answered: “It was a joke Papa”

Nico: “Joke? That isn’t a joke stamping your feet against the wall”

Then Nina replied: “That wasn’t against the wall! It was against the cabinet”

Nico: “Cabinet? I caught you doing it when I entered your room”

And Nina replied: “Dat is wel niet eerlijk hé dat je zeg dat ik tegen de muur stampde. En als jij dat zelf doet…hmp!”

(Thats not fair that you say I stamp my feet against the wall! And if you do that yourself…hmp!)

In situations like this, she even acts like a bigger girl…able to discuss already with Papa.

Proof Nr 3:
Last night while Nina and I was eating dinner (Niels fell asleep in the couch and Papa was not home yet) she said she is finished eating the food on her plate but she wants some more of MY PASTA!  She stood up and sat on my lap (like a baby again) and wants me to feed her.

Since my pasta was almost finished, I gave in to her desire.  I fed her the last 3 spoons of my pasta.

While the last one was on the way to her mouth, she suddenly started singing and raised her hand…so the spoon of pasta ended up on the floor.

As surprised as the pasta I said angrily “Oh Nina! Look what you did! Next time if you still want to eat, you stay on your own chair and you eat your pasta there on your own!”

Then I went on my knees to pick up the pasta and clean the floor.

Then Nina said “Oh sorry Mama, sorry Mama, Ik ga dat niet meer doen.”

(Oh sorry Mama, sorry Mama, Im not gonna do that again.)

She held my face with her cuuuute little hands and kissed me on the lip saying again “Oh Mama, sorry, Ik ga dat niet meer doen”

(Oh Mama, sorry.  Im not gonna do that again.)

Well, I interpret this scenario in 2 different ways:
1. She is able to see her fault and excuse herself for doing so…sense of responsibility!
2. She wants to be sweet so I can continue feeding her and let her sit on my lap…manipulation!

I should say, this period which is like an “overgangsperiod” between being a baby and a big girl is not only difficult for the parents but for Nina as well.

Sometimes we tend to jump too easily back to what we are used to do instead of hanging on and be consistent with the new situation thus leading the child to confusion.

Well I have high hopes that this will pass like how it was with Niels and that this is just a phase of childhood and parenthood.

Nina is an active, smart and social little girl…but also sometimes a stubborn little baby.

But I guess we all have that character, 3 years or older…

When Nina is older and reads this blog…I already hear her saying “POT VOOR KOFFIE MAMA!

We love you Nina!  Happy 3rd Birthday!

Mama, Papa and Niels

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Nina's Red Spots

Normally, when a child has chickenpoks, the parents are more concerned than what's needed.  The child, aside from the itchyness or slight fever, has almost no trouble at all with those famous red spots all over their body. It all looks worse than it really is.

Well, I have to say that Nina is proud of her red spots.  One day, they went to the neighbors to play with the kids (already had chickenpoks years ago together with Niels) and she immediately pulled her shirt up to show them her tummy.  She showed her arms and her legs as well while saying, "Look at my red spots, I have a lot!  It's nice huh?" 

One night during the beginning stage of the chickenpoks development she didnt want to go to sleep and started crying.  I asked her why she didnt want to go sleep, and she answered "Because if I go to sleep then I will be itchy the whole night!" Poor little girl, she thinks sleeping makes her itchy...but I reassured her that I will put some cream on her so she will have less problem with the itch...and thanks goodness she agreed!

Aside from that one night, she didnt have any trouble at all, she still itches but its no big deal anymore.

And now that the wounds are healing, she is now allowed to jump into the pool!

Here is our Nina proudly showing her spots covered with cream:

Hope it wouldnt leave any marks on her skin...

Mama Neri

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Our most awaited poses...

Finally they have arrived...my most awaited pictures!

Do I have to say more?

Niels Schoolyear 2012-2013

Niels and Nina together: Schoolyear 2012-2013
Nina Schoolyear 2013

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Allerlaatste Bezoek bij K&G

Hello All,

As you all know, Nina is already 2,5 years old and is also already going to school.  But before she could finally leave her baby story behind, she still has to go for a check up one last time with Kind en Gezin.

Among all the babies, youngest was 4 weeks old...Nina was the oldest...and not the babiest anymore.  She took her jacket off herself, and then we waited for a few minutes for our turn on the weighing scale...

Well just a quick one...kids like Nina still likes it when, after they step off the weighing scale, gets a comment, "WOW! What a good girl!  You gained weight!" and she showed her big shy smile...

If you say that to me, you will get a big fresh slap on your face hahahaha.

She also grew!  Here are her stats:

Weight: 13.4 kg
Height: 91 cm

Then we went in the doctor's room.  She immediately chose the chair nearest to the doctor cause the toys were there.  The doctor asked her to make a tower from the wooden blocks.  First she did only 2 blocks on top of each other, and then she asked the doctor "Zo? Is dat goed so?" Hahaha and the doctor said "No! Make it hiiiigher! I want a big tower!"  And she stacked all blocks on top of each other...and it stood high and still until of course, Nina pushed it down ;-p

The it was time for us to leave and give space to those who really needed the visit ;-)

I laid her jacket on the floor and asked her to put it on...and of course she did it again with big success infront of all the mamas and papas from the audience.

They asked how old she is and this and that.  Well, Nina and I left with a big smile...my smile saying, oh my little girl is all fine...and Nina's smile saying..."Yupee! Now to school! I miss Juf Lien already!"

So here is my little, ehem, I mean, my big girl:

Friday, April 26, 2013

Farewell Chokee...

Chokee passed away today at about 4pm. She's 14 years old.
A few months ago we found her unable to stand up. Her feet keep sliding sideways on the pavement. We transferred her to the backyard. Her feet were more stable there and she could walk around just like before. She eats good. But a week ago she started eating less and less. Then a couple of days ago, she stopped eating but she still drinks. Then she couldn't move around anymore. Your Nanay gives her water and Chokee responds but moving her tongue.
This morning she was barely breathing. She had been quiet.
I remember we could sleep well when she's on guard duty. When she's ill, she cures herself by eating grass then vomiting out the contents of her stomach. We noticed that she feels sad and throws us a questioning look whenever we give away her puppies, a true mother. A ferocious and intelligent dog she was the alpha female in the group, a position she never relinquished.
Thank you Chokee.
You'll always be in our hearts.
Keep watching over us.
Lolo and Lola

Thursday, April 25, 2013

School Photoshoot

23 april 2013

A week ago Nina had her first frontal-right-to-the-face fall at the playground leaving her a big moustache wound between her little nose and cute little lips. 

That same day, there was a letter in Niels’ and Nina’s bag stating that on Tuesday 23rd of April (which is today) the school photo shoot for the year 2012-2013 will take place….

“WAAAAAHHHH!!!! Why now? Why so soon???”

It is Nina’s first school picture and she has a big wound like a Hitler moustache!  I was in PANIC! NOOOOOOH!  It will remind her of that fall forever!  I mean, maybe she might not remember the fall anymore BUT I WILL!

But then I told myself, kids’ wounds heal quicker and by then…I hope, she doesn’t have any marks anymore.

Every single day that passed, I was really paying good attention if it’s getting better. Well the wound is healing, that’s for sure but she still has the wound crust which makes it even more visible…a darker moustache!  A cousin of mine even suggested to apply some concealer in case it’s not gone by then.

Luckily (phew!), it was a lot better this morning.  There was still a little bit crust but it’s do-able, for her First School Picture at least ;-)

So, Go Nina, have that big smile on your face!

And oh yeah, it is also the first time for both of them to be together in a school picture.  And Niels was so proud to have her sister beside him in the picture.

See for yourself:
Of course this is not the official one!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Nina with the Big Boys and Girls in Petteflet

16 April 2013

Wake up time is 7am. Niels and Nina drank their milk and then had breakfast. It’s usually Kellogs cornflakes Honey Pops or Honey Loops for Nina. Choco Crunch or bread for Niels.

With a little push to finish on time, we brushed out teeth, cleaned up and dressed up….and don’t forget, sprayed perfume ;-)

Then off we go to Petteflet.

I was silently hoping that Nina wont cry by the time I leave them at Petteflet so I won’t be late for my train to work…and to my BIG surprise,  Niels and Nina even forgot to give me hug and kiss goodbye!  They went walking straight to the TV corner…hand in hand.   Meaning, I even had to call them back to BEG for my hugs and kisses.

When I picked them up in the afternoon, the ladies from Petteflet were all telling how cute they were walking with their hands together on the way to and going back from school.  One of the ladies commented to Niels on the way that he has to walk a little bit faster.  And Niels answered strongly, “Mijn zusje kan wel niet snel stappen hé!”  And he was right! So, they just let them be.

When I saw Nina, she has a wound between her nose and her lip and dried blood in her nose.  Looks like Nina had her first ever fall at the playground!  But she didn’t mind it, she just continued playing as if nothing happened.

We left (I mean I left) with a happy heart…the 2 didn’t even want to leave yet!

It was a very busy day full of adventures for my Niels and Nina…but it was a GOOD BUSY DAY ;-)

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Premier: Nina in school!

Here we are now, exactly a week after Nina’s first day in school but the excitement I felt that first day hasn’t subsided yet. Every day is still “Nina’s First-Day-in-School” for me at least.

15 April 2013

As already long planned and has been a yearly tradition that Nico and I bring the kids to their first day in School, this time its only me cause Nico had a duty-call ;-) And I witnessed my kids’ first day in school after a 5 week vacation…and for Nina its HER First time to go to School.

Big brother Niels was so proud that his baby sister is now going to his school as well.  The excitement was so high for them, and not forgetting…FOR ME TOO!

When we got to school, I took their picture together.  And as always, Nina copied exactly how Niels posed…from tongue to foot position!

Then we proceeded to Nina’s class.  We placed her bag where it should be, she took her jacket out and hang it on her piggy icon where she should hang it every single day.


A few seconds after, her smile got smaller and smaller. She probably realized that Mama and Niels will not be staying with her in that room the whole day.  She started staring at me while her eyes talk to me and said…”Mama don’t leave me here alone…”   I didn’t look long at her any longer because I might cry (haha) and just quickly said “See you later” But then she opened her cute little mouth and words came out saying, “Mama, jij ook hier blijven!  Mama you stay here too!”  The teacher heard it, picked her up, asked her to give Mama 1 last kiss, and Niels and I went away…otherwise I will be tempted to bring Nina back home (hahaha).

Outside, I also said “See you later”’ to Niels, gave him a kiss and said, “Take care of your little sister!”  And he strongly answered “YES!”

Good I had some work to do at home otherwise waiting for 3pm will be the longest 6 hours ever!

At 3:15pm I left and rushed back to school to pick my sweethearts up.  It got there too early but its ok, it’s the excitement-to-see-them-again’s fault ;-) 

First Niels’ class was done and we went together to pick Nina up from her class.  Oh and then I saw my little princess, readily waiting for me, with her jacket on and her bag on her back…hair still nicely pushed back after those hours of playing…I called her, “Ninatje!”  She looked at me with a big smile and said “Hey Mama….waar is Niels? Where is Niels?”  Then Niels showed up and that gave an even bigger smile on her face!  She was more excited to see Niels than me! Hahahaha

I talked a bit with the teacher to ask how she was on her first day.  The teacher said that she was a very good girl, she ate her sandwich and fruit good and she played good. Well, what did I expect? Before I could even say BYE to her teacher, my 2 ragdolls were already on the way outside to the playground.

Niels was shouting that I have to follow because he wants to show me how he helped Nina climb on the slide earlier during playtime.  And so I watched them.

It melted my heart seeing and knowing that my 2 sweethearts are playing and looking for each other especially when Nico nor I are around.

Niels was so proud to have his sister with him in school, and Nina looooved the attention ;-)

Then we went home, Nina showed her smiley stamp, rested a bit and 15 mins later Nina was ZZZZzzzzzzzzz.


Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Niels, officially a big boy!

Hello Everyone,

Its been a while, was busy in between but have some blogs written travelling with the train, I just didnt have the time to post them yet.

Anyways...Niels has just came this morning from his annual medical (CLB) check up with his class.  And here are the results:

Growth: Length: 114.30 cm (higher than normal for his age) - Weight: 21.10 kg

Vision: Normal

Hearing: Normal

I was reading the doctor's report out loud while everyone was listening...and Niels was listening very intensely.  I read growth, vision, and when it came to hearing I said: THE DOCTOR FOUND A BANANA IN YOUR EARS!

First he thought hmmmm...and then he said NO!  The doctor didnt write that! Hahaha.

Then I confessed that it was just a joke but added that I think the doctor really wrote a joke...that his hearing is normal.

I kept on teasing him about his hearing cause the last few days, I have to call his name about 5 times before he replies.  So I told him that I will send an sms to his teacher to ask the doctor to check his ears. Hehe

Oral Health: Continue to visit the dentist at least once a year, that's very good to have started visiting the dentist at his age.

Vaccinations: In order

Final Report: Niels cooperated very good during the check up.  He is a very healthy and good boy!

Niels, my big boy!

Judge for yourself...


Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Excitement...

Excitement to something that will happen is always greater than the thing itself you are waiting for.  Hopes are high and the feeling is so indescribable.

We are flying to the Philippines soon for our yearly family visit.  With 2 kids to drag we tried our best to explain to them what will happen, when it will happen and how we will go there. With the help of the memories (and the photos) from our previous trip, its not difficult to explain that we are going to Lolo and Lola (my parents) by plane.  What we will do there is simply explained as seeing Lolo, Lola, Makayla (my sister’s daughter), Ninang Geli, Ninong Danny, Tita Joy and Tito JM.  Niels knows that it’s warm in the Philippines so he also expected Beach and Swimming pools!

But the difficult subject to explain is the WHEN.  There were already a couple of incidents that Niels was sooooo excited thinking it is already THE DAY!  And one of them was when he dressed up one morning to go to school, while he thought we were already on the way to the airport. 

He said “Spannend he Mama?” 
So I asked, “Whats exciting about today?”
and he answered “Wij gaan toch naar de Filippijnen vliegen vandaag?”

Oh and I have to disappoint him “Its not today Niels. Today we are just going to school and in 5 weeks we will go fly to the Philippines”

And seeing how sad his face became…damn it!  Why didn’t I explain it better to him in the first place when we are leaving!

And Nina, since we told her we were going to the Philippines, she kept on saying…”Kom, wij gaan naar Filippijnen! Kom Mama!”

After a week or 2, she stopped.  I think she gave up the idea that she is going there (just because she doesn’t have any sense of time yet).

Soon, we can excitingly countdown with them.  And hopefully they don’t count 2 times in 1 day to hasten everything up!

It will be a very fast 3 weeks in the Philippines I bet, our agenda is already full and we still want to do lots of things!

Anyways, there is always a next year…

Saturday, January 19, 2013


LoboCat is our superhero disguised as a cat.

He sees to it that children are always safe especially when they are playing, studying, travelling or sleeping. 

He can fly by jettisoning balloons hidden in his backpack that automatically wrap around his arms. If he fights in mid-air he repositions the balloons on his back to free his arms. Needless to say, he can also put them wherever he wants to perform various acrobatic maneuvers:

- on his feet to dive or descend very fast,
- on his left arm to fight with his right hand,
- on his right arm to wave to his fans with his left hand after  performing some heroic deeds,
- on his hips to hover around like a helicopter when  performing some delicate rescue mission,
- on his head when ascending rapidly on a steep and limited  space but never on his neck for obvious reasons.

Being a cat, he can see in total darkness, leap above tall obstacles, jump down from great heights landing perfectly safe on his padded feet, hear the slightest sound from miles away and detect his enemy's location by flicking his tongue.

His strength is amazing but he has his Achilles' heels, WATER. Water drains him of his strength and superpowers just like Superman's  kryptonite. He becomes an ordinary cat. He must find ways to dry himself up to become once more LOBOCAT.

To avoid this dilemma, he never takes a bath but just wipes himself clean with a wet hand towel. He sustains his powers by regularly drinking milk, occasionally eating dried mangoes, exercising diligently and sleeping at least 8 hours a day.

He purrs when sated.


Created and drawn by Niels Janssens
Story Written by Lolo Ben
Blog by Mama

Monday, January 07, 2013

Het Eerste Gekste Verjaardagsfeest van 2013!

The Birthday Boy Niels!
Well, that title earns its place.  It was the first craziest birthday party of the year!

We found that Niels' birthday party can perfectly be at the same venue as Nina's birthday.  It wasnt too big so we were able to supervise where the kids are.  It was clean and the service was perfect!  No too long waiting time for the food, timing was very good and all our wishes were granted!

The table was decorated with banderitas, a souvenier for every kid, and a Superman cape that the kids thought first as the napkin to put around their neck when their eating, so I started explaining that its the cape of Superman!  Then they all wanted to have it on! (Thanks Ninang Geli! It was a hit!)

It was not only fun but also quite useful cause we can recognize the kids that are with us from AFAR!

So as soon as the first kid came in...I mean even before the first kid came in, Niels and Nina were already unstoppable!  They were already ALL OVER the playground!

Kids from school, Nina, Celeste, Fee and Stig were the kids that composed our group.

Niels blew his cake first.  When it was time to eat the cake, it was a total flop!  Some kids doesnt want cream, the others doesnt want the fruits on it, and some doesnt want anything at all...THEY ALL JUST WANT TO GO BACK PLAYING!  So the cake that was supposed to be for 20 people was only about 60% consumed.

They all opened their souvenirs as well...the wrapping, the origami and the glueing that kept me awake until 3 o'clock in the morning just to finish making it, took about 2 seconds to tear the wrapper open.  They liked it but didnt have time to look longer what it actually was, they went back off playing!

After dinner, Niels opened his gifts and everyone was so proud to give Niels their gift so he can open it next.  The gifts were all so nice!  And he remembers good which gift came from who...

Anyways, the most important thing was that they had fun, I had fun and was happy that everything went good.

Im not gonna bore you any longer with my nagging, see the pictures below!

Electric Cars Toothbrush from Mama and Papa
Niels' Birthday table

The party poopers!
Supermen and Supergirl Farah
His birthday cake
The Super Duo
 And the gift opening:

There you go!