This is literally a pacifier experience and I will tell you why.
As I was walking to the train station like any other weekday morning, weather was cold and any other Belgium morning, at the bridge over the train tracks I saw a blue pacifier on the ground. Immediately I thought about my little girl. Not that I want it for her but thinking that the owner of that pacifier is now probably crying or cannot sleep cause the pacifier is lost.
I passed it, trying to ignore it like any other litter I see on the floor but cannot go another step further away from it. With my conscience full of pity for the owner, I went back, picked it up, placed it on top of the bridge wall (not really that high thats why I can reach the top hehe) taking into consideration that maybe the mother will pass by the same place while searching to where did her baby's pacifier fall.
Feeling a little bit better, I went on and took my train. That afternoon on the way back home, it was still on the wall waiting for its owner to find it.
The next day, it was on the ground again..probably fell from the heavy wind and rain the night before, I picked it up again and put it back at the same place I put it yesterday.
For 3 days its just right there where I left it.
On the fourth day, there was such a heavy rain that day, when I passed by that more sight of the pacifier. Not on the wall nor on the ground. Somebody picked it and threw it in the trash or it fell on the other side of the wall which is the train tracks...
Now everytime I pass this bridge I think about that pacifier. A baby blue one with a white teddy bear design.
Maybe its just me but if you are a mother too, with such overflow of emotion like me..then I think you would understand why. "If it happened to my baby..." That was what's in my mind that time.
Anyhow, taking out the drama...the mother probably bought her baby a new one already (hihi).
I'd immediately do the same if I was her.