Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ninake naar K&G: bijna 5 maanden

"Waaaaaaah!"  The first thing we heard when we entered K&G center yesterday.  And Niels asked "Mama, what is happening in there?"  I said, "The baby is getting spuitje.  Nina will also have spuit so when she cries you have to tell her that everything is OK."  And as soon as I finished my sentence, he told Nina..."Dont cry Nina, its OK"  What else can I do but laugh.

Yeah, Niels was with us (Nina and me) yesterday cause Papa was not home.  Niels, as the oldest kid in the center was singing in full breast songs from school.  Everybody was enjoying and those not...were forced to listen!

Nina on the other hand was very quiet, looking around, watching all the kids and her big bro playing on the mat.  It was only her second time in K&G so she was very curious about the place and what's happening.

It was finally our turn to go in and get weighed!

Weight: 7,030 kg
Length: 63cm

Her weight is at P75 and her height is at P50.  And everything else is A-OK!  A little snot and a little eczeem on the face...but we are already used to taking care of those, arent we? ;-)

The nurse also asked how much she is eating now and here was my answer:

1st: 235 ml milk in the morning
2nd: 50g veggie pulp (we still have to work on this...she has to learn how to eat more of it!)
3rd: 200 ml milk after her veggie pulp
4th: 235 ml milk in the afternoon
5th: 255 ml milk before she goes to sleep

And I followed up that she sleeps good from 10pm till 6:45am weekdays (have to wake her up to go to day care) and 8-8:30am weekends.

Now, its time to see the doctor....not good!

Lying naked on a table with a stranger...NEVER GOOD!  Nina started calm when the doctor began examening her.  But as soon as the doctor tilted her and started moving her from left to right...hell broke loose! "Waaaaaaaah!"  And she looked at me like saying "Mama, what is this stranger doing to me??? Heeeeeelp!"

And then came the needles...and there were 2 of them!  Then she got red :-)  But as soon as the needles where out of her limbs, the crying was also over.  So still I can proudly say that she is a good normal little baby girl :-) But where was the comforting big bro Niels when this was all happening??? Outside in the living playing with the doll!

That was a tiring adventure for our little beginner.  One more injection we need in April until she is fully covered against the first dangerous sicknesses for babies..but not the end of it all.  There are more injections to come!

Ninake, almost 5 months

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wie is wie? Who is who?

Kijk heel goed en zeg maar welke foto is met Niels en welke met Nina?
Look good, I mean really good! Then tell me which photo has Niels and which has Nina?

De winnaar krijgt een heeel grooot...!
The winner will get a very big....!

Playful Mama Neri

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Welcome Stig!!!

Congratulations again to Peter Pan and Tinkerbel
for their second wonder!

And to FEE...congratulations as well.  You are a big sister now!

Welcome little STIG!

Birthday: 11 February 2011
Weight: 3,390 kilo
Length: 50 cm

And here we present:

Stig Pannemans

And the proud godfather-for-the-first-time:

Ninong (Peter) Nico with his first Godchild (Petekindje)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blessing in disguise...

The last months Niels has been getting more and more attached to his "tutje"  We have been telling him over and over again that he only has to use it when he is going to sleep...and still while he is playing, he puts it in his mouth and sucks it in.  It was starting to bother me...the sight of seeing him, a 3 years old, going to school and still has a "tutje" in his mouth.

But last thursday night, the unexpected happened.

We were in the bathroom, I was preparing Niels for his sleep.  He said he needs to go pipi first before we put his pyjama on...that time he has his "tutje" in his mouth.  He wanted to pipi standing up like how they do it in, we were facing the toilet bowl, he was peeing, I was waiting till he was finished.  When he was finished I asked him, "So, are you finished?"  And he immediately yes "Yeah"...and suddenly PLOP!

I looked into the toilet bowl and sees the "tutje" floating...looks like his "tutje" fell out of his mouth when he said "Yeah" and then into the toilet! I quickly took it out and threw it in the sink.  He was quite shocked though but I told him we will try some of the reserves that we have here at home and he can test if they are ok or not.

We tested a few but he gets tickled with it cause they are too small.  They are FOR BABIES!  So he said, "Mama, just get me one from the store tomorrow".

The next day, friday, when we got home from school he asked me, "Mama, did you buy me a new tutje from the store today?" And then starts my big white lie :-)

I said, "Yeah Niels I went to the store.  I asked the woman if they have tutje for 3-year-old kids and she said...Sorry Mama, we dont sell that anymore."  He was a little bit dissappointed at first, but it only lasted a few seconds and then he said to me "Ah, but I dont need that anymore"

So since then, Niels doesnt have tutje anymore.  He still sleeps good at night.

So our big boy has proven to us once again that HE IS A BIG BOY!

Once in a while he asks me, "Mama where is my tutje?"  And I say, "Yeah, it fell in the toilet remember?"  "Oh yeah" he will answer with a laugh :-)

What a blessing in disguise.

Nielske's last few days with his "tutje"

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Nina, 4 months

Met een brede lach opende Nina haar mondje voor haar eerste groentepap!  Maar na 5 kleine lepels is haar geduld op en wil een snelle vloiebare oplossing voor haar honger.  Opdrinken van 200ml melk duurt normaal 30 minuten, deze keer was het in 15 minuten op!

With a big smile and her mouth open wide, Nina, our little girl of now 4 months, has eater her first spoon of veggie pulp!  Although after 5 small spoons she let her voice heard..."IM HUNGRY!"  She wants a fast and liquid solution to her hunger...MILK!

Normally, it takes her about 30 mins to finish a 200ml bottle of milk.  This time it took her half the time!  She was drinking...gulping I should say...her milk as if its the first time she ever saw milk in decades of hunger!

But as soon as she gets used to it she will for sure eat a lot of that stuff!

Nina en haar eerste groentepap hapje

And she enjoys this stunt!  She starts getting more and more curious about Niels' toys...she starts grabbing them and TASTING them.  And Niels of course, first protective of his toys, but afterwards (after my long explanation of why Nina grabs his toys) he was OK with it.  He knows that Nina would not get them, she just wants to touch and get to know what a toy is :-)

And our playful little Nina could laugh hard now! She likes it when we put her high in the air, when she gets tickled, when we play with her legs and arms and oh she likes to TALK!

Playtime with Oma