Tuesday, November 30, 2010

First winter snow!

Yup!  Last night the first winter snow fell.  And who was overjoyed?  Of course Niels!

Niels enjoying the snow

As soon as we got home, he immediately took his snow shovel and started shoveling the snow out of the driveway...so Papa could park when he gets home.  And also took care of the snow at the terrace.

But the temperature felt a lot colder than it is due to the wind and Niels started to eat the snow (haha) ...so I decided to bring him inside :-)  After a while we looked outside again and he saw that the path he cleared with snow is full again...with SNOW! Hahaha

Niels said, "Maar...ik heb het juist weggedaan...die blijf niet weg? Het is weer vol! Hoe kan dat nu?!"

So, not really understanding how snowfall works..he was very disappointed that his terrace is covered again by snow.

Anyways, what's most important is that he had fun shoveling and believing that he did a good job! Well, he actually did ;-)

And here below the video of Niels clearing the terrace:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


It has now begun...in Philippines countdown to christmas has started already in september while here in Belgium children start to countdown to the coming of Saint Nicholas or Sinterklaas before they start counting down for Christmas.

And of course Niels is one of them...he made a letter to Sinterklaas pasting all the pictures of the toys he want to receive from Him..if Niels would be a good boy that is ;-)

And so you guys know, De Sint is checking out all houses and writing in his BIG BOOK names of the naughty kids...and they WONT get any gift at all!  So Niels, better be good!

Tonight he put this letter in his shoes together with a piece of sugar for "Slecht-Weer-Vandaag" which is the horse of Sinterklaas...hoping that on Dec 6 he will get them all!...we will see ;-)

By the way, we would like to welcome to this world ZOEY!  She was born yesterday daughter to Donna and Toby and baby sister to Dylan!  She weighed 3kg and measured 48cm.  Very healthy baby girl!

Welcome ZOEY!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

7 weeks, 7 bottles and a room!

Hello hello,

Finally we are starting to come along normal-nights-lane.  With Nina 7 weeks old now, she is gradually finding the pattern in her day and night life.  She is now awake most of the time during the day: curiously looking around, listening to Niels playing, making sounds like wanting to start a conversation and smiling when you talk to her.  At night, she already sleeps 5 hours straight (like 12 midnight to 5 am)...already quite a big step comparing to where we were in the beginning.

Clearly, our little girl is becoming a big girl already :-)

She drinks now 7 bottles of 135ml milk a day and drinking it very good.  We cannot let her wait a second too long to give her milk...she is VERY demanding!  She wants her milk  Right-Here Right-Now! Otherwise she will let you hear her sorry-feel-cry :-( and you would really feel really really bad!

And tonight we will move her to her own bedroom, we are confident that she is ready for it.

Such a good girl :-)


Proud Mama Neri

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Nina 5 weeks and A OK!

Hello you all,

Today was Nina's first visit to the consultation clinic of Kind & Gezin.  And today was girls day it looks like, there were all baby girls in the hall except for one.  A boy named Robin and was born a day before Nina. 

And as we already suspected, looks like our little girl can see already cause she was following with her eyes the nurse, the doctor and she was curiously looking around trying to check out her environment.

She quitely let them take her weight (not normal for girls hehe) and she liked laying down on the measuring table :-)

As to her stats, she is now 4,660 kg and 54 cm.

Till next blog!


Monday, November 08, 2010

Babyborrel on 7 November

Yesterday was the long awaited babyborrel of my baby sister Nina.  It was soooo much fun!  Lots of children, full of toys and lots of snack!

And for a glimpse of that celebration, I want to show this presentation:

Some more pictures coming up!


Saturday, November 06, 2010

Welcome cousin Kayla!

Yup yup yup!  Niels and Nina now have a cousin in the Philippines! 

Kayla is born a healthy baby girl
today at 3pm Philippine time.

CONGRATULATIONS to the new parents Geli and JM.

And to the 3rd time grandparents Lolo Ben and Lola Sue!

From your proud family in Paal!
Neri, Nico, Niels and Nina

Friday, November 05, 2010

Nina 1 month old

Our little sweet girl is now a month old

Her stats from 2 weeks ago are 52 cm and 4,170 kg
And you know what?  It looks like she can see us already!