Hello everyone,
Yes Im still alive and kicking. Didn't disappear...just been very busy. The last two months have been so freaking busy that Mama didnt have the time to post anything at all. Lots of stories to tell but lets start with the most recent one...Celeste's 5th birthday party!
On the way to Rosmeer last sunday I was practicing the names of people I will meet that day..."vichy, leste, nanny, oma, opa, moemoe"...hehe. Im trying my best and it feels good to be able to call them with their names.
Of course the icing on the cake that day is the blowing of the cake (hehe). I hope to be able to blow mine already on my own in January.
Moemoe and Celeste - about to blow her candle
After some playing and eating of cake Celeste had to open her gifts...and Im moooore than ready to help :-) I was tearing out some gift wrappers as well.
Celeste trying to open my gift
After all those cake-eating, gift-opening, barbecueing, is...PLAYING! Look at this!
And me trying out Celeste's new bike
It got late and everyone where tired so it was time to go home. But I definitely had a great time! I gave kisses to everyone and said Dada.