Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bokrijk: Van één naar twee Limburgen

Today, Oma and Opa are in Tongeren. So, we took the chance to witness how Limburg was dividied into two in 1831 under the ruling of the new King Leopold.

Not only did we witness how the war between the Dutch and Belgians happened, we also were able to experience how to go to mass during those days...Papa and I have to take our sit on the pews on the right side of the chapel, and mama on the left...why you ask? Males have to stay on the right side because they rule the house, they have the control, and the power. Females stay on the left because females have to give in to men.

We also sat in an old-times-classroom with Mijnheer Josef as our teacher. Good I will go to school next year and not in 1831!


Niels (from the 21st century)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Kind & Gezin: The Final Days

22 April 2009

One of my last visits to K&G. The next and last one will be in January 2010! Good! Because they just poke me with needles everytime I go there.

As always, there are other babies in line. Some smaller some bigger, some noisy, some silent. But from all the babies in the K&G center, I was the only one playing with the toys. I even wanted to put a crying baby girl into the doll-buggy I was playing with. I took the doll off and pointed to Mama that she has to put the REAL baby in my buggy. She just laughed at me but I WAS SERIOUS!

Then it was my turn to be measured…here are the end results:

Height: 79 cm
Weight: 11 kilo and 50 grams
Teeth: 20

A good height and a good weight for my age. And then to the doctor! Papa arrived just in time for my injections. As always, Papa was so proud to answer all the doctor’s questions. While I innocently played with the blocks…mama whisphered to my ear…”Niels, later you will get 2 injections, but don’t worry, it wont hurt and Mama & Papa are just here with you.” I looked up, stood up and said..”BRING IT ON!”

It hurt for a few seconds but afterwards, it was all forgotten! We went home as if nothing happened..still the playful but hungry old me (it was 20.30 when we went out of K&G, time for my sleep!)

Da da!

Brunch with the kids next door

19 April 2009

Hi everyone,

Last Sunday Mama, Papa and I woke up early to be able to..guess what…sleep early. Not for the night but for my morning nap. We have to be next door by 11am to have brunch with Frank, Mireille, Arthur and Louise!

At 11am, I rang their doorbell…when Mireille opened…oooh the smell was sooo inviting! I can smell the food from the door! Delicious! I smelled bacon, coffee, fresh bread, mmmmm!

After saying “HI!” to everyone, I rushed to the toy’s corner. Arthur is such a good neighbor, he just let me play with his toys.

After a while, Louise woke up and showed up downstair with her Mama. Such a cute little baby girl. When she is a little bit older we will play all together in the garden.

Can't wait anymore! Here are some of our pictures:

Arthur, Me and Papa

Me playing with Arthur's toys

Arthur hiding

Me and Arthur

Louise and her Mama Mireille

Friday, April 17, 2009

Saturday in Zonhoven

Whew! It was hot that day. A little rain during the mid day helped lessen the warmth a little bit. Mama sent an sms to Tita Rachella that we will be leaving soon and will play with Ermina and Vincent to the playground closeby their house.

Pampers, extra shirt, fruitpap, water, giffy, tutter..all in and we were ready to go! So we left. Mama and I drove to Zonhoven, the sun’s harbor! We got there in 15 minutes, entered the house and got a liiiitle bit shy at first. But it didn’t last long. When Tita Rachella gave us (Vincent and me) a box full of toy cars, we played BROOOM! BROOOM! Trucks, containers, police cars, chic cars, ambulance…the box has it all! These were Koenraad’s toy cars when he was till as young as us.

Finally we went outside! We headed to the plane behind Ermina’s school. There was a horse and a donkey running around the field behind the fence. Vincent has 1 bag of dried bread and Ermina has one as well. We gave some of the bread to the donkey and the horse. Afterwards we visited the chicken and the roosters. They also loved the bread.

Well, our task is done, its time to PLAY! They also have a small playground further to the back and a big field to run around. So we did what we had to do..we PLAYED and RAN around. With the warm sun on our skin, the sunshine on the flowers and grass and a little gush of wind, it was PERFECT outside.

Oops, its time to go back, I have to eat my fruitpap and they too have to take their snacks and have a drink.

Mama’s home made fruitpap was finished in no time, Mango, Banana and Apple. Yum yum. We played inside a little bit further and outside at their lawn as well. I drove Vincent and Ermina’s bike like it was a natural thing to me. I ran after the ball and ran to the plants. It was a fun day. Then its time to go home. We said dada and gave our kisses.

I hope to see them again soon so we can play outside one more time!


PS: Here are some fotos I want to share with you:

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!!! Zalig Pasen!!!

Bunnies, bells,
Eggs in shells....
Its time for Easter
Easter bells!

When I woke up this morning, I had my usual routine…milk, play, breakfast. But today its quite a special breakfast, I had pancake with syrup! It was so delicious that I was able to finish 2 big pancakes!

After breakfast, Mama and Papa looked outside the big window and saw some things scattered on the grass, the terrace and the flowerbed…hmmmm…so to quench my curiosity, I put my shoes on and my jacket on and started getting them all!!! Yes!! Its Easter today and the Easter bunny didn’t forget about me!

And when we went to Oma, Celeste and I were so lucky that the Easter bunny also passed by there and left us some chocolate eggs!

So, to everyone, we would like to wish you a very Happy Easter! To all the kids, I hope the easter bunny passed by at your house too!

Enjoy picking up all the easter eggs!

Here is a video treat for all of you!

Again, Happy Easter everyone!!!


Sunday, April 05, 2009

Bokrijk and Rosmeer

Yes it was a busy weekend. Sunday was Bokrijk day and a visit day to Meter Vicky, Nonkel Danny and Celeste.

First we went to Bokrijk to join the activities for the “Dag van de Abonnee”. We walked around and found a tent giving out free tours for specific subjects in Bokrijk. We chose “WONEN” and looks like we were the only ones subscribed in the tour.

During the tour, we went into one of the original houses from the Kempen and Haspengouw. The house of Mr Jan Claes. While the guide was telling something about why beds were short during those times..I did my own version of it. I started narrating as well and the other people that came in were laughing. I was also laughing at some point but continued my story afterwards. Hehehe it was fun being a tour guide. Both us and the tour guide learned a lot from each other.

Then off we drove to Rosmeer. Too bad we will not go to the Carnaval anymore, Meter Vicky and Nonkel Danny are kinda sick. So, we just stayed home and played at their garden.

Papa put me also on the swing. It didn’t take long cause Celeste wanted to be on it. So I just played ball and tickled with Papa.

You know, Celeste’s mini kitchen is also fun! I cooked and let them taste my food and, as always, it was delicious!

Till the next adventure!


Saturday, April 04, 2009

A Trip to Domein Kiewit

...with Peter Pan and “Tinkerbel” Veerle. We all squeezed in to Papa’s car and drove to Domein Kiewit in Hasselt. Starting from the parking…I was amazed with how many brrrroom brrrroom I saw! And I’ve noticed…I was not the only kid in a buggy. Looks like it’s a children’s day out today. With the nice weather and soft temperature, everybody just wants to take advantage of it. Mamas, Papas, Omas, Opas and even the woof-woof are all outside having fun.

Near the entrance were the goats and the thick-wooled sheep (ready for shaving). Papa and Veerle gave them some dry bread and as common knowledge..goats chew the whole day! If we didn’t stop giving bread, they probably finished the whole bag of bread.

Then we visited the “Kinderboerderij” Kids farm and saw this huge farm horse and some donkeys. Veerle took again some of her old bread out the bag and started feeding them. But the huge horse just took everything from Veerle’s hand (while drooling), leaving nothing to the poor donkeys…I guess with his size, he plays as the Master-of-their-universe.

We went on to the next…hens, roosters, turkeys and a weird looking guinea fowl. We also wanted to give them some old bread but we saw there were still some bread lying on the ground.

Across were the giant pigs! There were only two of them but they eat for 10. Huge beasts I should say. Afterwards, we went on and continued walking to the lake…and there were lots of kwak kwaks! The male ducks, a lot more beautiful than the female. Papa showed me how to give them bread and I followed.

Playing on the grass, rolling on the dried leave and twigs was also fun! The new pair of pants I had on that day was totally wasted! Sorry Mama but getting dirty is a lot more fun!

There was a big field where we ran and played football. Some children organization arrived and some girlscouts as well. The bigger kids parked their bikes and the younger ones were walking behind the leader in rows. I played football with Papa, Mama and Peter Pan. Veerle was our cameracrew, just being careful of my playmate in her tummy (hihi).

And yes, it was tiring. Time for a drink. On the way, I saw 3 kids with this group. They have bikes…I headed towards them to say “Dada” and to ask if I can borrow their bike…and it looks like they are heading towards me..or towards my bumba ball! We made a deal, I will lend them my ball if I can borrow one of the bikes. It was a good deal. They immediately kicked my ball and I stepped on one of the bikes (with Papa’s help). It was fun but I was still too short to reach the pedals. So, as I was stepping out I had the plan to go on and have that drink…but I, of course, still have to get my ball back. And as expected…they don’t want to give it back. And my strategy: I waited till they kick the ball and I ran as fast as I can after my ball! And when I caught it, I ran away with it!

Fruitpap, cookies and lots of water. Yum yum, that made me hungry, thirsty and tired. After my snack, Mama put me in my buggy to sleep, I took advantage of it and slept…zzzzzzzzz. While they were eating their delicious pancake, I was in dreamland!

After an hour or so, it was time to go home. On the way out of the domein we saw some the “Kabouter” group of girlscouts playing by the field. The girl in front has to turn her back to the rest of the group and then the group have to run towards her..and when she turns to them they have to stop. Whoever moves will be called out of the herd. I didn’t get the logic of the game but I was poiting as well. The girl called out names of those who moved..and I was calling and pointing to Papa. That was hilarious!

Then they all ran towards me! It was overwhelming. They all wanted to talk to me at the same time. I don’t know who to talk to first! So I just said to all..”How are you doin’?” and they all started laughing.

Well, its time to say goodbye, it hurts to say goodbye to all those girls but…I have to. I have to make difficult decisions in my life once in a while. Till in my dreams girls!


Thursday, April 02, 2009


Na ons zonnig vakantie in De Filippijnen is het even wenen aan het donker, nat, koud winter weer in Belgie.

Maar het heeft niet lang geduurd want LENTE is hier! Deze week begon het aangenaam te worden...langer licht, hoger temperatuur, blaadjes van de bomen en van de planten beginnen door te komen, paasbloemen in blooi...PRACHTIG! We hebben dus niet meer geaarzeld en hebben buiten gespeeld met ons kleine kapoen!

Hier zijn paar fotos van:
"Wat een goede stop hé?"

"Hebben jullie een vogel gezien jonges? of een vliegtuig?"

"Papa stop met kietelen!"


"Ik ben weg!"

English Translation: SPRING!

After our sunny vacation in The Philippines we had to get used to the winter weather back here in Belgium. But it didnt take long...for SPRING is here!

This week the weather started getting better. Its longer light during the day, temperature up to 20° celsius, leaves are starting to come out and narcissus are all in bloom, WONDERFUL! Thus, we didnt hesitate no more and wasted no time. We played and played outside with Niels!

Dada en Kusjes

Dat Niels graag dada zegt, wuift of kusjes geeft is wel plezant om te zien. Hij is nu in een periode waarin hij tegen alles en iedereen: de auto’s onderweg, de fietsers, de hondjes, zelfs ons huis als we weggaan, dada doet of zegt.

Vroeger moesten we hem bij de onthaalmoeder afleiden met speelgoed als het tijd was voor mama of papa om te vertrekken, zodat hij niet zou schreeuwen (we hebben het nog nooit meegemaakt maar toch, just-in-case) of achter ons aan zou lopen. Of gewoon in de verte kijken als we de garage uitgingen.

Nu is het wuiven met het woordje dada EN ook nog een kusje op Mama, Papa, Oma en Opa's wangen als het tijd is om te vertrekken en soms zelfs 3 keer! Dat is plezant natuurlijk , kusjes krijgen van zo een lieve jongen.

Maandag avond toen we thuis kwamen wilde Niels nog even naar buiten gaan. We waren dus naar buiten gegaan en hij ging direct naar de rooster van onze verluchtingssysteem. Het is natuurlijk fijn om die lucht te voelen blazen op zijn kleine handjes...en hij wees ook naar mij om hetzelfde te doen...awel, heb mijn handen dus op de rooster gelegd :-) En 't is waar, het kietelt :-)

Daarna begon hij steentjes te rapen en met 5 tegelijk probeerde hij ze allemaal in zijn piepkleine handjes te krijgen, maar er valt er altijd een uit. Uiteindelijk heeft hij er maar 4 vast gehouden...en dan begon Zita (hond van onze buur) te blaffen...en een luide "Huh?" van Niels met zijn wijsvinger naar boven en twee grote ogen vol nieuwsgierigheid van wat dat was en waar dat vandaan komt. En dan zagen we Zita met haar drie poten snel naar ons toe lopen...snuffelen...met haar staart heen en weer...en wilt ge-aait worden...maar dat durf ik Niels nog niet te laten doen. Zeker met het nieuws van de kleine 10-maanden oude baby die gebeten werd door de hond des huizes.

En dan liep Zita weg...blaffend naar de fietsers en auto’s die passeerden.

Over auto’s en fietsers gesproken..dezelfde avond waren er een paar auto’s en een paar fietsers langs gereden. En tegen elk auto wuifde Niels da-da...en gelukkig wuiven die mensen die in de auto zitten allemaal terug naar hem. En dan bij de fietsers...heeft hij hetzelfde gedaan. Er was een fietser die iets groot droeg onder zijn arm...maar toch probeerde hij terug te wuiven naar Niels zelfs toen hij bijna gevallen was. Ha-ha-ha! Ik lach me gewoon gek met Niels zijn trekjes.

Tot wanneer die da-da period zou duren, dat weet ik niet maar ik weet wel zeker dat wij (Mama, Papa, Oma en Opa) plezier hebben van die dada's en kusjes!

Tot de volgende!

Mama Neri