Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Meer moet ik niet zeggen...

Hello hello,

Ik ben geen kapitein niet lijk ik meer op een konijn! Vier tanden heb ik al! SUPER!!! Ik geniet zoveel van kauwen en bijten..dus....oppassen!

English Translation:

Title: I dont have to say more...

Content: Im not a captain anymore...I look more like a rabbit now! I have already 4 teeth! SUPERB!!! I enjoy chewing and biting a careful!

Whats up doc?!


PS day-day-da-da-da is my favorite song :-)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

'k heb een nieuw bijnaam gekregen!

Neen! Geen afstaandsbediening-smuller!

Vandaag hebben mama, papa, oma en opa gezien dat mijn derde tand verschenen is! BOVEN! Een heeeeel klein wit tandje! heet ik KAPITEIN DRIE-TAND!

Schip ahoy!!!

English Translation:

Title: I got a new nickname!
Content: No! Not remote-control-eater! Today Mama, Papa, Oma and Opa saw that my third tooth showed up! Above! A veeeeery tiny white tooth!
Ship ahoy!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Efkes mijn tanden laten zien...

Zie je? Ik heb mijn 2 melktanden gekregen toen ik maar 5 maanden oud was...sindsdien heb ik geen andere tanden meer gekregen :-( Dus, papa noemt me dan KAPITEIN TWEE-TAND.

English translation:
Title: Showing my teeth off for a while
Content: Do you see? I got my 2 milkteeth when I was 5 months old but since then I have not had any additional teeth anymore :-( Thats why papa calls me CAPTAIN TWO-TEETH!

Till my next new tooth!!!

Niels de Kapitein!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Party at 7!

Hello everyone,

As you can see, Niels turned 7 months today. Time flies so fast especially if you are enjoying taking care of a very jolly kid like Niels. Its been a pleasure being his mom (and I know Nico also being his dad) for the past 7 months...and will always be a pleasure for the next coming years...year after year. We love you so much Niels! And we are definitely enjoying every single moment with you!


Niels' Mama (Neri)

P.S. Here is our picture today for his 7th monthsary party!

Partying under our beach tent in our lawn

Monday, August 04, 2008

The DA-DA Strip

Familie Elsen!

Yesterday was one of those days that we (the whole family) wish that Bomma and Bompa were with us. They could have been soooo proud of the 3 of us growing up such nice individuals!

Lieke, Celeste and Me

Standing up

Handjes draaien with Nonkel Romain

Walking with Papa

Posing by the flowers with Mama