Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wat een acrobaat!

Ikke niet maar mijn muisje!

Look how my mouse can balance himself on my forehead! Or should I say, look how I can balance my mouse on my forehead...however I should say it...WAT A TEAM! My mouse and I! (But between you and mouse is just afraid of the cat beside me....hi hi hi)

Thursday, May 22, 2008



Today Mama and I went to my Kinderarts (Child Physician) in Hasselt to get some extra creme for my skin. There they weighed and measured me as well. Surprisingly, I'm 65,80 cm long! Yesterday I was just 64,50 THAT is weird!

Did I grow that fast overnight? It gets me to thinking...maybe Mama watered me in my bed while I slept last night and Papa threw some fertilizer (mest) on me...hmmmm...

Het is bewezen!

dat ik een echte stoere jongen ben!

Yesterday evening, after her 1-hr-train-delay, Mama was able to pick me up from onthaalmoeder Nicole and onthaalvader Ronny :-) Hastily, we drove to Kind and Gezin not to miss our appointment for my vaccination...she didnt know I was wishing we miss it! But yeah, I did not blow any birthday candle yet so my wish was not granted. We were there, lots of babies still...and we waited an hour for our turn.

When Mama undressed me, I know already what will happen. But first they measured me and weighed me (whew!). I am now 7,890 kilo and 64,5 cm. Good huh? And then the woman from K&G told Mama we are next for the doctor...u-oh! And that creepy door opened....

Oh! He was a funny doctor! I was laughing when he checked my tummy (he tickled me) and I was also talking to him when he was writing his report. Then papa asked the doctor, "Does that hurt?" The doctor said that there are babies who do not cry...but its not a lot. Mostly they cry.

So, injection on the right leg, injection on the left...and that was it! "Voila!" The doctor said. "Its finished." He added. Then I said "Waah!" for 2 seconds and when Mama picked me up and hugged me, "It's finished!" I added. And my Mama and Papa were soooo proud of me cause I only cried for 2 seconds. Who else will cry after a painful injection if Mama hugs you and Papa says you are a good boy? That is the best consolation!

Also, the no. 5 in my short term list....ACHIEVED!

[Translation: Het is bewezen dat ik een echte stoere jongen ben = It is proven that I am a real macho boy!]

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Broccoli or Carrot...

Broccoli or Carrot

Whatever the color, it doesnt really matter much cause I like them all (except cauliflower or bloemkool...ulk!).

90 to 150 grams a day, depending on my appetite, is quite a good portion. Plus 4x 210ml milk.

My short term plans are:
1. to be able to sit independently
2. to be able to crawl across my mat in a good pace
3. to be able to roll back and fort
4. to be able to able to hold my bottle when I drink milk
5. to be able to put my toe in my mouth
In grow big and strong sooner than soon!

Next on the menu...FRUITPAP! I cant wait!

This afternoon I will get my 3rd shot of vaccin...OOOOUUUUCCCCHHHH!

Monday, May 19, 2008

with Hilde and Celeste

with Oma, Celeste, Hilde and me

Last Sunday was unexpected....when we visited Oma and Opa in Balen, Celeste was also there! Meaning, I also saw Meter Vicky and Nonkel Danny unexpectedly. Good Mama dressed me up nicely :-)

We also got a visit from Hilde, Oma and Opa's neighbor. I sat on her lap and she played with me a lot. She also has 2 grandchildren but they are not babies anymore.

This is our picture, I am the thorn among the roses :-)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Twinkle twinkle little star...

London Playtime Bus

Sounds, lights, songs...this is the fad in my small world nowadays. Winnie the Pooh Lighted rattle and a talking London bus, these are my favorites! Im learning now to recognize what a song is. And every night that Mama and Papa sing me a lullaby, I attently listen to the words, memorize the sound and enjoy the movement of their lips. Its fun but it also means its time for me to sleep. And when I hear "twinkle twinkle little star" I start to yawn, rub my small small face then close my eyes. Then Im off to dreamland!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy birthday Peter Pan!

Summer time is party time. Lots of gatherings to go to, BBQs to attend...I cannot eat BBQ yet but I always tag along!

Peter Pan turned 31 last 8 May. And last monday, we had BBQ at their place. There was another kid, Wout. The son of Tinkerbel's sister Els. He is 10 months older than me. He can already walk and crawl and eat ice I just watch him.

Wout busy with his twig

But of course I did not fail to show them my few tricks!

My favorite trick...Playing with Papa

My oldest trick...Sitting down (with Papa's help of course)

My most challenging trick...Crawling, my toys so near yet soooo far

The trickiest trick...Standing up (but without Papa or Mama I cant do this)

My newest trick...Feet Reaching!

After an exhausting day, I...ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

And then time for MILK!!! Yuuummmyyy!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

with my Pinoy friends!

Pinoy friends, Pinoy food, lechong kawali, tinola and steamed rice! And for dessert, polboron!

It was fun. Its the second time I'm partying with Tita Donna, Tita Rachella, Ermina and Vincent! I was so busy watching Ermina and Vincent play that I didnt have the time to eat and sleep myself. Not a good idea, I get cranky when Im tired and I did not finish my groentepap...but afterwards, I was able to drink my milk and take a nap...when I woke was time to go home :-(

Here are some of our pictures:

Mama, Tita Donna and Me

Tita Rachella and me

PS we are still waiting for some other pictures to post (hopefully some with Ermina and Vincent)

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Viva Italia!

Made in Italy

When Mama and Papa were in Assisi, Italy last year with Lolo and Lola they bought me this shirt. Mama said when she held this shirt in her hands she said..."What a small shirt this is for a human...can't imagine someone can fit in this shirt"...and now...I even have to wait 4 months before I can put this on. Its still quite big but with this heat I rather have it loose and airy than tight and sweaty so this shirt fits perfectly with this summer day!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Four months...Im getting big and I like it!

Hello hello everyone,

Today Im four months old! We dont know how much I weigh or how much I grew the last few weeks but for sure Im more than 7 kilo (especially if you can see how much groentepap I eat! Today I digested 120 grams of wortelpuree) and longer than 62cm...I dont fit in my pamper table anymore!

On 21 May I will get my 3rd set of vaccination, and then I will be weighed and measured...but until then, everything will be a surprise!!!!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Naar de the fair

At the kermis (children's fair) with Mama and Papa

It was such a warm day yesterday. We went to Rosmeer to Meter Vicky, Celeste and Nonkel Danny. After my 2pm groentepap lunch (I ate about 100g of the 125g pot wortelpuree...that was a lot more delicious than what mama made...sssshhhhh) we went to the kermis in Rosmeer.

Oma and I
waiting for Mama and Celeste to finish their merry-go-round ride
...but it looks like Celeste is not giving up!

At least she was able to get mama on the merry-go-round...
mama does not like it, she gets dizzy with it

And then Celeste played the fishing-out-the-ducks.
She won a very nice toy with beads. I could not play any game yet, still too young for this. Next year I will dominate the scene!

It was fun at the kermis although half the time I was sleeping

When we got home everybody was talking about it...I was also talking but I dont know if anybody understood my story, he he.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Mijn eerste groentepap! (My first veggie pulp!)


Yes, Im 17 weeks tomorrow and my Mama and Papa gave me my first groentepap (veggie pulp) today! It was 2pm and I was sooooo hungry...but it looked like I will not be getting my usual menu...Mama steamed a small potato and a carrot...mashed them together and made my groentepap.

I just cant wait to get that first spoon in my mouth! And I literally took mama's hand and shoved it in! Oooohla! What was that! That was something made me twitch my face a little bit but I swallowed and asked for more! Even if Papa was taking video (usually I get shy with it), I just kept on eating...I was hungry!

But helaas, this pap does not get in that quicker like I got tired and asked for my milk....oooooh that was the most delicious milk I have ever had.

I think I will have to get used to eating this groentepap cause I will get it every lunch time from now on...wish me luck!

Friday, May 02, 2008

In de krant staat...

Federatienieuws onder Doopsel
Op zondag 6 april werden in de kerk te Tervant twee kinderen gedoopt, en 1 van de 2 was IKKE

Im in the newspaper!
My first published foto with my mama, papa, meter vicky, peter danny, oma, opa, moemoe en of course tinkerbel!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Thursday was a blast!

Hi everyone,

Just as the title says, Thursday was a blast! Mama and Papa were both home and I was playing with Papa the whole day! It was soooo much fun.

Here are some things we did today:

Reaching my toy sideways
For the first time, I have realized that sideways, I can also play with my toys

Rolling with Papa
Papa likes it too! We rolled on my mat and we laughed!

Sitting down
Also sitting down is fun!

Crawling towards Papa
A millimeter, yes I moved a millimeter towards Papa

Oooooh, I like it when Papa cuddles me

Reading Bumba
Yes, I like looking at the Bumba pictures too!