Monday, March 24, 2008

Lekkerste eitjes zijn van....CHOCOLA LA LA

Happy Easter everyone!!!!
Zalig Pasen iedereen!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Niels the brown bear

Hi Lieke the white bear! I'm Niels the brown bear!

With my Oma

With Tante Nicole
Actually Tante Nicole asked Mama not to post this on the it is :-)
(Mama toch!)

Lekker knuffeltje...

Gift from Celeste, Meter Vicky and Nonkel Danny

Walter and Me

Thursday, March 13, 2008

One winter day...

...I asked Mama, "Mama, could I go outside today on my own?"

She immediately said "No! You are too young for that!" And she added, "It's either I come with you or you stay home!"

I just dont know why?....I had my jacket on didn't I? (Grin)

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Twooohoooo months and growing!

2 months old!
I can smile bigger than ever!
Mama and Papa love it when I laugh and babytalk with them


I also got a gift for my 2-monthsary

...a very very colorful Winnie the Pooh muziekmobiel for my crib!

Lesson 1: How to go under water
Pinch your nose with one hand and raise the other
58 cm long and 5,810 kilo

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Serious Talk with Papa

Talk with Papa
So early as now, Papa took me in his lap and had a serious conversation with me about a small addiction I have.
Papa said its not good for me and if I give into the temptation everytime, it will be very difficult to stop and its not good for me when I grow older. But it feels so good when I do it and it gives me a very heavenly feeling. How can they ask me to stop it ?! But I guess Papa is right...I rather use my "tutter" paciphier than suck my hand in my mouth.
I did not promise anything but I said "I will try"..although they caught me already a few times sucking my fist he he he....what can I do???? Its really tempting!