Suggestions on what to do during those days you have eternity and you cant think of anything…it does not happen often, so…
Look at yourself in the mirror…stare at yourself in the eye for a few seconds. Then snap out of it and look at what you’re wearing? If you are still on your pyjamas, take a visit to your perfectly disorganized closet.
Put something else on, probably look for a t-shirt to wear…does not have to match…it's probably cold outside and you have to wear a sweatshirt anyway…
Put on your sneakers. Take a step one at a time going outside your room…then head for the door. Turn the knob of LIFE and go out to the world.
Get out of your shell and enjoy the day! But how…
1. Look at the flies buzzing around the garbage can…does it change your mood? Maybe yeah, from hungry to No-Thanks-McBreakfast-Menu-Meal.
2. Admire the high rising buildings in the city…naahhh! There is more in life than piled cement erected with steel and faded paint. It does not change your mood anyway, you’d say, it just reminds me of my deadlines I, in the first place, escaped from at work.
3. Sit down on a bench at the city park, playground is also considerable. Sit down or even so, lie down on one of those see-saws squeaking when used. Look above…what do you see?
3.1 The fast moving white clouds running through the great blue sky. Swiftly my child! The sky says to the clouds. “Be a play toy to those seeking for something to imagine while watching you blow around my vast view.”
3.2 Listen to the blow of the wind from the east…brrrrr cold but sounds inspiring. Have you ever thought what it is saying? Listen, probably those sounds that get trapped in your ears are the shouts of children playing from the faraway east land, or the cry of a woman, a talk on a busy street, or a whisper of a fool wishing that somebody hears him…that gentle whisper is something else from a far.
3.3 Turn to your side. Who is there? Are there children playing? Are they all laughing? If yes you’d say, “I wish I was a child, no problem in the world, only worried of playtime and what’s for dinner…hopefully not vegetables…yuk.” But look closely, is everybody laughing and leaping for joy? Maybe yes, because the child that does not laugh is nowhere in sight. The child is at home taking care of his other brothers and sisters. Washing the dishes…and running to get a bucket of water to wash the floor off with mommy’s blood that came from daddy’s strong fist last night. Nothing else is brewed in their mind except hatred. Hatred.
4. Get up now, its making you sleepy probably…get up!!!! Watch the birds nesting on top of the trees…a little bit better than watching the flies I guess. They are preparing for the cold winter. Two of them…a love bird you may say. Chirping at each other and making their home the warmest nest to live.
5. Go near a fountain…one with running water on it. Move close, closer. Close enough to have your face get droplets from the fountain’s juices (juice I say since with public fountains…you do not know what else gets in there…not to discourage you or anything, just the truth). You see, even those water let themselves be blown by the wind to touch your face. They go out of their way to try something new…maximize their purpose than go back to that same basin of water and be thrown out of the nozzle again and again and again. Some enjoy it and does the cycle a thousand times…some droplets are not satisfied with it and tries something else.
6. Now, what you have to do is wipe your face and head back home. You were just probably gone for about 30 minutes or an hour…but I hope it changed your mood for today…and then you can think clearly of what to do for the rest of the day.
And finally you realized its not Sunday today…its fucking Monday! SHIT! You are late for work.